Sentences with phrase «way something 's manufactured»

It is the combination of four advances in technology working together to revolutionize the way we manufacture things.
German sportswear firm has announced plans to revolutionize the way it manufactures goods to accelerate sales and profit growth in the next five years.
«This is a technology that's going to change the way we manufacture essential medicines,» said Christina Smolke, PhD, professor of bioengineering.
It could transform the way we manufacture materials such as metals, help explain why Jupiter's Great Red Spot is red, and provide the basis of an early - warning system for storms and tornadoes on Earth.
Fortunately, scientists have dramatically improved the way they manufacture biologic drugs since then.
They are also big proponents of sustainability (from the way they manufacture products to the way they treat their employees), so it's easily a company I can stand behind.
Truth, illusion, fiction, documentary: The picture has a tiger (or a Jaguar Shark) by its tail in choosing to discuss the ways we manufacture memories to craft our realities.
Considering the benefits of those ingredients together, along with the way we manufacture them, it has got to be the toughest product out there for the dog to get out of the bone — meaning hours more entertainment for the dog.
The challenge is to re-evaluate the materials we consume and the way we manufacture products so as to cut down on waste.
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