Sentences with phrase «way something 's told»

is same way we told Juventus that Sanchez is off limits.
Once you know without a doubt He exists, despite the fact that there are some things not completely compreheded and false doctrines - whcih by way He told us beforehand, why would I want to go to this website.
Delgado has so much from a huge NYC lobbying firm he will vote whichever way they tell him.
This was also a bit of an introspective month — I definitely got on my soapbox a bit about the millions of small ways we tell women in the workplace the ways in which they don't belong.
Asked why people should become sugar babies rather than finding a match the conventional way he tells The Independent: «You could do that.
What makes The Post his best film in a long time is in the masterful way it tells this story.
Series newcomers will find it difficult to get into this world, characters, and the particular and often jarring way it tells its story.
Please save these religious nonsensical, unprovable stories for your children in the same way you tell them Santa Claus exists.
From the financial services industry to global retailers, whether we like it or not, technology has forever changed the way we tell stories, interact with customers, build products, and ultimately generate value for the economy.
It's because the way we tell people to write makes it an unusual cognitive task that requires deep, specialized skill.
Levy actually plays with the way he tells stories and introduces himself either in person or over email to see how people react, and then adjusts accordingly.
Research shows it's the way we tell stories that determine how successful we are in getting an audience to pay attention and getting our points across.
«I would have expected them to say, «Gim me the money and leave me alone,» but... Erving's concern was to make sure the way he moves on the screen — and the way we tell him how to move — is not only faithful to the way he moves, but in fact is faithful to the way he thinks he moves.»
The way we grow our brain cells, the way we tell our brain to grow is we have to move.
The way you tell it impacts everything about your relationships with other people.
I do believe that shifting the way we tell stories and what we share have a large impact on engagement.
Understanding where the «hero» wants to go is important and so is the way you tell the story to get them to act upon the information you're feeding them.
As Intel evolved from an engineering driven firm whose products — largely hidden from view — powered 90 % of the world's computers, to customer - focused products, the company's executives and engineers needed to transform the way they told the brand story.
«Yep, that's... uh, better,» I said, the way you tell your spouse they're right, after you've surmounted a manifesto worth of reasons they're wrong.
There is value, however, in talking about Jesus for indeed the way He tells us to live is the way He Himself lives.
I think it is disgusting they way they tell lonely men they are «loved,» just to get money out of them.
The very people that believe everything he spews vote the way he tells them to and he benefits by things staying as the status quo.
I bet you believe 911 happened just the way THEY told you it did.
You know, a lot of the time I buzz around thinking that there are many ways to seek God and that all have some merit although only one is the way He told us to do it.
It's bad enough the faithful build these expensive churches that totally contridict the teachings of a humble Jesus who was a champion for the poor, some have gotten so mad at science for the way it tells the «story of us», that they have fabricated an entire science in a futile attempt to prove the scriptings of an ancient people.
The notion is really just a tool to provide people with the illusory comfort of believing that they have control over the situation (if we just behave properly, god won't get angry and make the river flood), or to allow others to control the people for their own ends (if you just behave the way I tell you, god won't get angry and make the river flood).
Here is the way he told it:
Along the way he tells a less fantastic but more important story about loving God amid both fear and suffering.
I also did this gluten free and no way you an tell at all that it is not just regular flour.
I admire the way she tells the healthy aspects of ingredients in her intro for each post.
I love the way you tell your stories Alanna — so funny, but I wish your camping trip would have turned out as you had hoped!
«Now drink it just the way I tell you,» advises Jason in his chile - red toga.
The way he tells it is perfect and the fact that he didn't believe that it was actually Michael Jordan on the phone at first makes it even better.
It's the way I tell «em...
I loved the way you told this story — now I'm wishing my childhood was a bit more different, peppered with more adventures like yours.
I know I physically wasn't there but the way you tell it I feel like I was there too.
The way he told me made me think Isa had died.
He argued that we all join the party with specific enthusiasms and causes for which we want to fight, and he said that we need to restore some of the passion to the way we tell people what we stand for.
A: Of course it's a fictional story, but we had a profiler check all the facts we know about Ötzi and his death, and he told us everything could have happened the way we tell it.
«This can't be too difficult,» you tell yourself with a smile — in the same way you tell yourself, «It's not damaging to drink eight cups of coffee a day» or «There are plenty of tenure - track jobs.»
April 9 — The way he tells it, Jon Bashor fell into a science communications career when he landed a job at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 1991.
The way you tell the thing is awesome.
Wow, you're wearing great Dirndl, I love them:)-RRB--RRB- I tried years ago to but one in Südtirol, but then I failed because of the cost and because I wouldn't have chances to wear it at home... I love the way you tell this story, it's so funny.
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