Sentences with phrase «way something is conducted»

«I know I was fired because of something about the way I was conducting the Russia investigation,» Comey told Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island.
We'd grown and we needed to change the way we were conducting meetings to make them more collaborative and action - oriented, so that everyone's time was used wisely.
Even if he decides to try to become more restrained in his job as NEC director, he's already done some irreversible damage with the way he's conducted himself in the White House so far.
One of the most disturbing developments in the Church recently has been the growth of a tendency among Catholics who a year or two ago would have been considered papal loyalists to be so confused by the public statements of the present Holy Father that they have become either tacitly or even openly critical of the way he is conducting his teaching ministry.
Him [Mifsud], his representative and lawyer took negotiations to a new level that I've never seen before, not in finances necessarily, but in the way they were conducting business.
Forgive me for jumping the gun (after all, there have been dozens of perfectly OK stops), but at what point does the way they're conducted need to be reevaluated?
«Politics needs to of course be robust, but it also needs to calm down a little bit in terms of the way it's conducted.
«You look at the way he's conducting himself, and he doesn't look like a guy who plans to join a law firm,» one former employee told The Post in 2013.
It suggests that there is something terribly wrong with the way we are conducting political debate in this country.
But the tweet spoke to something much deeper in the Conservative campaign, a lack of honour or basic decency in the way it is conducted.
«Gordon was always pretty clear that he didn't win that election, and I think the way he's conducted himself since then has genuinely been about trying to steer the country through this very odd constitutional situation.»
While some studies had limitations in the way they were conducted, the overall results suggested that yoga as therapy can positively affect the progression of both cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome.
I don't know if my food has anything to do with it or is it just because the way I'm conducting those workouts, Need help here.
«Obviously if the yes vote gets up it will be the supporters of same - sex marriage who will then have the signed blank cheque to fill out and you just can't trust these people given the way they're conducting themselves... now to ensure that these protections are there.»
The Crown's case was very weak, based as it was upon a photo - lineup identification process involving multiple errors in the way it was conducted.
Maybe you need to reevaluate the way you are conducting your job search and the information you are putting out.
The interview process can easily put the fear of God in us, just because of the way it is conducted to pull us down.
The team was outstanding to work with and I feel you captured the true essence of my core business and the way it is conducted.
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