Sentences with phrase «way something is done»

The trick is always the same: How little of the current way we're doing things can we change to make a big difference?
And one way it's doing so is in how rewards are perceived.
In this day and age a standard form of measurement can be adapted the same way it is done in the commercial industry.
One of the many ways we're doing this is by connecting attorneys with clients they otherwise might not have access to.
Too many congregations seem to perceive their only options to be either doing church way it was done in the 1950s or throwing all that out and bringing in praise bands and big screens and proclaiming that «contemporary worship» has arrived.
He intends to restore them in the same way he's done with Seppeltsfield, «the jewel of the Barossa».
There are actually several ways we're doing it, one way is we work with companies like Inkling who are already in the space as content creators.
The incision is enlarged to ~ 3 cm (since this is the required size to make the gastropexy strong enough) and the stomach is sutured to the abdominal wall exactly the same way it is done if done from the inside.
«It's about these 11 artists, it's about concentrating on solo exhibitions, and doing a gallery that looks and feels and runs its program with the same high - touch, white - box way it's done in Chelsea,» he explained.
Actually you can do that, group multiple Home devices the same way you're doing with chromecast audio.
Although the actual milling of the grain is done virtually the same way it was done in Alva Hodgson's day, the rest of Hodgson Mill's operation is very much a modern process.
Adding OpenKey contributes to that effort and is one of many ways we are doing this today.»
School at home means teaching your children at home, and doing it the same way it is done in schools, using the same methods, workbooks, texts, worksheets, etc. that typical schools use.
But according to Erika Ettin, relationship coach and the founder of dating site A Little Nudge, this is just one of the many ways we are doing ourselves a disservice when it comes to looking for love.
If I had to choose today, I'd have to give it to John Toll for «Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk» for the simple fact of the ambitious way it was done.
Even once he got that break, he refused to do things the way they were done before he arrived.
So private space exploration, private space flight is not something new, but the way we're doing it, managing it, is different.
One way he is doing that is by ceding market share.
And the most visible way they're doing it is by putting up paywalls on their websites.
«One way we're doing that is by enlisting an outside firm» — Cambridge Analytica — «to provide deepdive research into who makes up our audience of target voters,» it continued.
«As more and more advisors recognize the shift and change out the way they're doing business, these lawsuits will peter out because there will be fewer and fewer targets,» Weir told ThinkAdvisor.
Ask your staff to be honest and, if necessary, challenge the way you're doing things.
One of the ways they're doing it is by focusing on specific loan types, loan terms, and other criteria that match particular business use cases.
If you eat fast, there's no way you're doing it mindfully.
And they definitely used gold stocks as confirmation / non-confirmation indicators — probably the way we are doing it, by gut and by eyeballing charts (of course we are often wrong, and coin flipping may be a better way.
A look at music distribution and pioneers like Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails, Derek Webb, NoiseTrade and BriteRevolution who are all changing the way it's done.
That's been a great way to reach our regular readers, but some connect with us the way I'm doing so right now — by way bits and bites.
There was a real spotlight shone on the cost of their loans and the way they were doing business - good change in the regulations that has now seen problems with payday lending drop by about a half.
Would the Presidents faith change the way he is doing his job?
As he said more recently: «If someone were getting food poisoning from cans of tuna, the whole way we're doing this would be more aggressive.»
You will find that the way you're doing church today will not be the way you're doing church 12 months from now.
I think that's why I felt disappointed with the way it was done — this set / idea deserved a better premise and resolution.
If gathering crowds was effective for Jesus and the Apostles, and is not effective for you, then you probably should change the way you are doing it.
As an atheist, I think all Christian beliefs are silly superst.itions, but I would never wish harm on a Christian they way they are doing on Camping.
We are afraid and we don't know what to do so we are reading the news and watching the news and we are pontificating on Facebook and we are writing letters or emails and we are getting mad at each other for all the ways we're all doing it wrong.
That's not the way it's done.
Just a quick glance at the Internet will tell us all the ways we are doing it wrong — and the ways in which everyone else has done it wrong.
I broke with the faith of my youth, railed against over-realized eschatology, studied theology and waxed philosophic about all the ways they were doing it wrong.
Some seem to appreciate the way we are doing church here (point B), and wonder how they can get from point A to point B.
The first time probably didn't work, because something about the way it was done was incorrect.
The problem wasn't that he was praying; it was the way he was doing it.
It is the most insidious form of discrimination, because it gets rationalized as «no big deal» the way you are doing.
I commended him for wanting to help but suggested that the way he was doing it was only adding to the problem of dependency.
I changed the way I was doing things in my work because I got a lot better results doing it intuitively.
Who says church has to be done the way it is done?
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