Sentences with phrase «way something is managed»

I could go on forever about the myriad ways she's managed to hurt herself over the years but this post can only be so long.
The only way I'm managing is to enjoy each day left of student freedom, because soon I'll be all on my own!
I also like the fact that capital gains tax exposure is minimized with ETFs, thanks to the way they are redeemed, along with the passive way they are managed, resulting in minimal turnover.
Dear Sanyam, Congratulations on the great way you are managing your bank credit card.
Answer: Pricing by Bethlehem, PA, insurers is handled in the same way it is managed in other cities.
I also like the fact that capital gains tax exposure is minimized with ETFs, thanks to the way they are redeemed, along with the passive way they are managed, resulting in minimal turnover.
This was all undone by the way it was managed over East
«We can help them turn the way they're managing separate accounts into an ETF.»
God is not happy with the way they are managing the world, «How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked?»
That's no mean feat, and the Freemans sent Bolles a video message expressing how proud they were of the way he's managed to turn his life around.
As an Arsenal fan for 20 years, I «ve supported Arsenal because of the way it is managed, I expect a orderly and smart transition.
You can not tell me that all of the players at Arsenal are average or bad — its the way they are managed and coached which is the reason why we are where we are..
If you deluded fans think Arsenal is a big club then your delusion is on another level; come to think of it, where in this world is a top club ran the way it's managed by Arsenal?
One of the problems with Ozil is again, like so many of the problems with the squad, the way he's managed.
It is the way they are managed, or not managed.
If Salah can wriggle his way through Uruguay the way he's managed to bamboozle defenses across Europe this season, then Egypt will likely find their way into the knockout stages.
If he is right, then the very campaigns that orchestrated demand for reform in the wake of the revelations of MPs» corruption and exploitation of privileges in 2009 were themselves perpetuating waste, winking, entitlement and failure of due process in the way they were managed.
But if history repeats itself, we do know some of the ways she's managed to not only keep, but improve her enviable figure in the past.
People especially young girls love kayseria due to its unique and crafty designs, the way they are managed using high - class fabrics and the colors.
This blog is particularly helpful when you want to make changes to the way you're managing your dating life.
They each lower monthly payments for the consumer, but the way they are managed is different.
I've worked with dogs that were made «mean» by the way they were managed, trained, teased, and / or deployed by their owners.
Despite the difference in the way it's managed compared to other loyalty programs, the frequent flyer program operates on the same principles — you earn Aeroplan miles whenever you fly and can redeem them for free flights or gifts, either on Air Canada or via one of its Star Alliance partners.
«The way she's managed to make you look at things differently by hearing things differently is really quite exceptional.»
Ms. Ho reports the firm is changing the way it is managed — and breaking from precedent.
Firm leaders felt they needed to improve alignment between their firm strategies and the way they were managing people.
My own empirical experience tells me this is very much the case, that (again, in very broad terms) those with a social work background tend to view a person's life in a holistic way viz. the way they are managing and organizing their life externally — i.e. behaviors, activities, work, social life, etc..
With the right training, education, and resources, real estate professionals can reduce the high cost of conflict, by changing the way it is managed.
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