Sentences with phrase «way something is used»

The most interesting way we're using technology is to shape our customer's journey from not knowing who we are to closing a deal with us.
It is true that power changes us, research shows, but not in the simple way we're used to seeing in the movies.
We love to be of service and to hear about the intriguing ways you're using our vanilla.
It is fun to style your clothing in a different way you're used to.
The awards give schools a chance to showcase the innovative and effective ways they are using pupil premium funding to successfully narrow this attainment gap.
What are some of the most creative ways you're using social media?
Guys like Fournette, Zeke, Gurley, Bell didn't need to change how they were being used, their being used now the same way they were used in college.
Nevertheless, being the original cryptocurrency, bitcoin is the most commonly used by criminals, and it is used the same way it is used by other citizens who abide by the law.
The same way he is using computers to ilustrate his theory of no heaven... I will like to hear from him how computers were created themselves from nothing...
«This is one more way we are using technology to make a smarter and stronger New York.»
I've always enjoyed their rendition of «Run Rabbit Run» but I may never be able to listen to it again without thinking of the lethal way it's used in this movie!
The harm very much depends on the type of narcotic which is taken, the frequency of its use, in what way it is used, at what age its use began and in what doses such drug substance enters the body.
Abe — My favorite thing about this playset was the incorporation of the power discs and the new and unique way they are used to help you fight.
I think Kann and Lacey are right on the money in pointing out that 1) solar power is now a primary source of new electricity capacity, the 2nd - largest in 2013, 2) utilities are paying close attention to solar (and even trying to slow its growth in some cases), 3) solar is already cost - competitive in some places without «fickle» subsidies, and 4) solar is about halfway towards «bankable» in the narrow way they are using that term.
Do I use their live TV services the same way I'm using YouTube TV, and supplement it with the regular Hulu day - after streaming for everything else?
There are students, parents, artists, architects, photographers, writers, and business people of all stripes who have come to love Surface because it is the tablet that lets them do more, and I love hearing the creative ways you're using Surface,» Panos Panay, corporate vice president at Microsoft Surface, says in a previous blog post.
The ease that the French have with their antiquities informs the relaxed way they're used.
There does seem to be a tendency to use similar materials and images, but the different ways they are used denies any kind of group intention» (interview with G. Swenson, ARTnews, 1964, p. 44).
Masked as collectibles, Valiant Hearts has smuggled a wealth of research into real artifacts and the unique ways they were used and repurposed.
«In the shelter, we use peanut butter for enrichment the same way it's used for dogs in homes, stuffed in Kongs or in a ball of kibble, to give the dogs something tasty and fun,» said Dr. Sheila D'Arpino, a board certified veterinary behaviorist and Maddie's Fund Director of Research.
Technology's benefit in the classroom is all in the way it's used.
As I argued in Our Virtual Shadow: Why We Are Obsessed with Documenting Our Lives Online, «The way we are using technology, our idea is that we document everything now and sort it out later.»
If you want to improve productivity in the office, start by considering the way you're using the available space.
Hormonal birth control prevents your body from ovulating, and also prevents your endometrium (uterine lining) from thickening and shedding the way you're used to with normal periods.
«I'm frustrated by the way he is using the «teachers know better than politicians» line.
Do you really think that figurative language can be used the way you're using it?
In some cases it may mean «to test» in the positive sense, but it is made all the more intense in the way it is used in the New Testament where the words context is not positive, but clearly hostile.
I don't leave you the way you're used to being left — feeling abandoned, bereft.
I think the disconnect between your friend and yourself is in the way you are using the word «faith» as I spoke about in my earlier post.
Is it the way it is used that makes violence just?
The mass media through their content and in the way they are used are playing a significant religious role in this process.
Right... I probably don't have the view of inerrancy that you record here, though that is the dominate way it is used.
I pray the Lord can use me in the way He is using Wendy.
Above all, if we want to communicate the Church's teaching to the surrounding culture, we need a commitment to honest communication about expectations and experiences, and we need to use words with an awareness of the way they are used in the culture.
That is the way I was using the term.
First, what the sword was and the way it was used by Roman soldiers in Paul's day.
The term «salvation» is definitely slippery, and I am convinced that it the Bible means something different with it than most of the ways it is used today.
That television and other mass media are not inherently evil, but that the way they are used the messages they carry are contending with institutional religion for dominance in articulating our values, assumptions and worldview.
In the case of Israelites like Simeon, they most often thought of salvation in the way it is used in prophetical passages like Isaiah 40:5 and 52:10.
The question is the way they are used, how the person lives and what applications the expressions are given.»
The report is not calling for the removal of the technology as a tool, but for national - and state - level regulations on the way it's used.
Church actually means something closer to «gathering» and the way it is used in Scripture, it refers to the spiritual gathering of people by God into his Family.
I kind of think faith, the way it is used in this day (examples Jeremy has given), doesn't really cut it.
The sense in which the word choice is used in this context is similar to the way it is used earlier in this chapter in accounting for the different enzymes produced by the bacterium Escherichia coli.
The way «justify» is used today is not the way it is used in Scripture, and there is even a HUGE debate about how it was used in Scripture....
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