Sentences with phrase «way something seems»

In some ways that seems like so long ago, and in other ways it seems like yesterday!
His early life seems so remote from anything today that in many ways it seems almost hopeless to suggest him as a role model for today's bishops.
In some ways this is sad, but in other ways it seems fitting since we will have just been in our new house for about a month.
This is the only way I seem to be able to make it.
In some ways that seems like so long ago, and in other ways it seems like yesterday!
Yet in one major way they seem much like everyone else — there's a gender divide when it comes to jobs and attitudes toward work.
In many ways it seems easier to be religious in a general sort of way rather than believing according to the specifics of a particular historical faith.
In the church I go to, we don't have rules in the same way yours seems to.
Instead of improving over the original game in any significant way it seems like the developer aimed to emulate its success.
Instead, burning the midnight oil is the only way I seem to be able to write.
In many ways it seems to be in a different world; and the distinctions come immediately to our attention.
Joel and Ethan Coen rarely ever make the obvious choice when it comes to storytelling, so in a lot of ways it seems right for the two brothers to join fellow Oscar winners like Adrien Brody & Matthew McConaughey on the small screen.
(Grade: A --RRB-: This touching, profound and gently humorous German comedy / drama — about a teenage boy, circa 1989, who goes to great lengths to keep his invalid mother from learning communism has collapsed in East Germany — encapsulates the emotion and drama of that epochal event in such a satisfying way it seems destined to become a classic.
Developers are always free to monetize their games in whatever way they seem fit whether it is free - to - play, freemium, paid full version or free with ads or any combination of those.
In countless ways we experience a power that dwells within us and directs our will in ways we seem unable to control.
When the philosophical synthesis that was used as the vehicle to expound the teachings of the Church gave way it seemed to throw into question many of the certainties of our faith.
In several ways it seems the rising generation is more self «disciplined, moral, and responsible than we Boomers, and I put a lot of hope in them as well.
the ostrich aka arsene wenger is back to his old ways it seems
However, it's the scandalous way they seem to be plotting to achieve their goal that i find despicable.
In some ways it makes perfect sense that Mike Essl, associate professor, has become the acting dean of the School of Art, and in other ways it seems wildly unlikely.
In reality, though, the sheer number of ways they seem to come up with for this simple event to take place seems to call on more creative energy than mere laziness is likely to afford.
In so many ways it seemed like an ultra-dated version of me.
As I've already said, other manager's have the right to set up their team in whatever way they seem fit, especially when they already know what works against Arsenal.
Liverpool's first Premier League victory since August came in the only way it seems they know how right now — a breathless match full of thrills and spills, where the good Liverpool just about outdid the bad.
He can not change a game if it is not going our way and there doesn't ever seem to be any tactics before a game i.e change in formation we play the same way it seems to me against anyone.
I don't know if it will work since there is a lot of history, I hope it does work though because in many ways they seem well suited
That's the way things have been so that's the way it seems they should be.
In that way it seems very similar in some ways to the housing bubble and the tech bubble.»
Everyone has a way to worship in the way they seem fit.
I like the way she seems to be marching.
We are not «in business» to flourish, at least not in the way it seems that you mean..
At least, that is the way it seems to me.
In some ways it seems similar to idolatry (tho some may be unaware they are doing this), throwing out exegesis, and instead reading into the text and presenting a pacifist, weak, hippie flower child singing kumbaya, and completely milquetoast in the face of violence, murder, and lawlessness.
Here's one of those cetological passages, a perfect example of the way they seem obsessed with trivialities and yet possess a haunted quality, how they express the mystery of the whale and of the body as it dies:
However, this is not the way it seemed to me at the time.
For most of the Churches history, the Church was not hung up on this stuff the way we seem to be.
At least, that is the way it seemed.
In some ways it seemed a compelling argument, but it was put to rest by an elderly listener who phoned in with a response.
Now, God doesn't exactly speak to me the way he seems to speak to other people.
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