Sentences with phrase «way something was intended»

With a base price of around $ 33,500, its affordable enough that owners will feel comfortable using the truck in the utilitarian way it was intended.
With a base price of around $ 32,000, it's affordable enough that owners will feel comfortable using the truck in the utilitarian way it was intended.
The company was a complete failure, and the product didn't work the way it was intended.
Unfortunately, this usually leads to taking pieces of advice that don't necessarily apply or work the way they were intended.
Yet research shows that less than 10 % of schools use these programs and implement them the way they were intended.
We hold ourselves to the highest standards in ensuring your legacy is managed and carried out the way it was intended.
Some people will even take out loans without any plans of using the money the way they were intended to.
My hope and dream is to one day be a part of a community where we can take the training wheels off and ride the bike the way it was intended.
Why study something to fix it if EVERYONE truly believes in leaving «God's children the way they were intended».
This is the way it was intended to be, and this is the way it one day will be in the eternal Kingdom.
But it was not the way it was intended from the beginning (Matthew 19:8).
When Jesus returns, He creates a new heaven AND a new earth, which means he purifies and redeems the universe, and restores it to the way it was intended to be so that we can live and dwell on earth with Him forever.
You will only see what you see and that is the way it was intended to be.
I wish humans weren't flawed and that the church ran the way it was intended.
Now... I'm not saying it's wrong to eat the real thing, or make it at home the way it was intended to be made.
Then we started to give him fruit a bit later and even then it was naturally pureed fruit without added sugars so his taste buds would begin to understand that natural taste of sugar the way it is intended.
I really loves spaghetti squash and will make it again the way it was intended.
Personally, I don't think our current set - up is working the way it's intended.
There are many risks involved with getting an epidural (for both the mother and the baby) and many women (if properly educated) could give birth naturally, med - free the way we were intended.
I have made a conscious decision to change not just my diet, but my lifestyle to help my body function the way it was intended to function.
There is exploratory play, where a kid is exploring a toy with their various senses; cause - and - effect, when a toy's function (such as lighting up) is caused from a particular action (pressing a button); and functional play, where a toy is played with in the way it was intended or designed to be played.
You will see your child's ability to use his imagination in action as he goes from using objects in they way they are intended to be used — a comb for combing hair — to using them in new, creative ways.
If groundwater levels keep rising, «the water rates would go up because of the costs associated with keeping the system functioning the way it's intended,» he said.
«Building construction projects are complicated, and rarely do they happen the way they are intended to happen,» Hutchinson said.
I don't believe that's the way it was intended to work best for us.
WITH PAULIE ZINK LEARN TO TEACH THE ART OF YIN YOGA THE WAY IT IS INTENDED BY THE FOUNDER Students may attend session 1 and session 2 of the course out of sequence
In this article, Mark Rippetoe makes the great point that using your muscles in the way they were intended (the back muscles are meant to protect your spine), gradually increasing weight overtime, while using other related muscle groups so that no one muscle or joint is stressed beyond its capacity, is the safest way to get stronger.
Using equipment like this — in the way it was intended — forces you to be flexible You have to adapt very quickly between the different exercise landscapes, switching somewhat effortlessly through the various stations.
If you use it the way it was intended, and take the supplements recommended for the prescribed amount of time (as recommended on the last page), you will likely start seeing results within a few days or weeks, depending on your particular symptom.
Just like adult supplements, children's supplements can help fill the nutritional gaps in your child's diet and keep them growing and developing the way they're intended to.
It their bodies and brains are not being bogged down with the artificial preservatives, dyes, GMOs, etc. in processed foods, they can grow and develop the way they were intended to.
My belief is that when you stress the foot and let it work the way it was intended to and become stronger, the arches will change.
Thanks for taking the post the way it was intended: with a laugh!
«Technically, most of their products fit exactly the way they're intended to fit.»
It's an all around very comfortable yet put together way of wearing a lighter material dress in the winter, over top of a warm knit still lets the dress hang & drape the way it's intended to!
While I still can't read music all that well or play the piano the way it's intended to be played, I am writing some really outstanding songs on keys lately.
So much about Marvel's Daredevil works exactly the way it's intended, including the pace of the action and the extent and style of the gore.
Of course, as to be expected, things don't work out quite the way they were intended in this simple arrangement.
Tugging at the emotional heartstrings is an Olympic event at this juncture in his career, although not exactly hitting the mark the way it was intended.
Some of us kinda like playing N64, SNES and NES games the way they were intended to be played.
Audiences will have the chance to see it on the big screen, the way it was intended to be experienced.»
This was meant to be a big splashy A-list starring role, but the movie did not quite land the way it was intended.
There will be award nominations for Ejiofor, Fassbender, and the newcomer Nyong» o. Steve McQueen's direction of the story of Solomon Northrup is done the way it was intended to.
Among teachers who implemented our unit sessions in the way they were intended, students also showed greater growth in informational writing and motivation.
At least, not the way it was intended.
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