Sentences with phrase «way something was looking»

In some strange way I'm looking forward to see in what ways I can grow while on the path of being a parent of a rainbow baby.
Your phone knows your location, your glasses know which way you're looking, so the data is all out there to create that sort of feature.
And one way we're looking at answering that question is by looking at the potential of what the foundation calls personalized learning for students.
You've suggested in the past that, with some of the new ways we're looking for electromagnetic signals from exoplanets and evaluating the data, we'll probably find extraterrestrial life in the next few decades.
In this same way we are looking at small business and entrepreneurship through the lens of the past, without factoring in six game - changers that are going to spur what I believe will be the greatest era of innovation and entrepreneurship the world has ever seen.
You can also change the preparing method of a sandwich depending on your taste, like plain, toasted, grilled, etc. and thankfully we have ample of various recipes of sandwich in our hand in this regard, which could quench your hunger in the exact way you are looking after!
The final way we are looking at today to maximize the results from using Anadrol is to use anti-estrogen supplements alongside this powerful steroid.
Well, we don't know, but according to various leaks, we can expect this handset to arrive in both flat and curved display variants, while its specifications will be high - end, no matter which way you're looking at it.
«I view the process of finding an insurance agent as very similar to finding a doctor you're comfortable with,» says Co. «You want somebody who will ask the right questions, care about not only your business but also you as the owner, and who will interact with you the way you're looking for.
CNBC's Becky Quick talks to billionaire Bill Gates and rock star Bono about the ways they are looking to change the world.
«As we continue to make sure we are connecting with our guests, connecting with them in the way they are looking to connect with the Target brand, digital is going to play an increasingly important role,» said Mr. Cornell during an earnings call.
Mayby not in the way you are looking for it.
So, is there any reason for me to try to explain why you are wrong in the way you are looking at your creator?
Any ways I am looking forward to a craftiful delicious 2011.
I've seen the way it's looked at those moms in the commercials.
By the way I was looking for some cookware what do use any preferences?
«One of the biggest ambitions I have is to double our business in the next five years, and one of the ways I'm looking at doing that is geographic expansion,» he says.
«The way we're looking at it, it's not necessarily an incremental increase [in supply], rather a shift in allocation of revenue,» he says.
He was saying how it's a pity with the way he's looked at now, and how it's not nice to see for anyone.
Especially when we stopped in more rural areas for gas, food, etc... (aka, let's get the fuck out of here, I don't like the way they're looking at us situations)
The way I'm looking at it is that IF he had already made a deal with Arsenal for the summer, but has now been informed that the Gunners are in desperate need of him ASAP, then this could be the very reason he is forcing Barca's hand right now.
«The interview before that, watching me hobble around, it was like, «No way in hell is Paul George going to make time the way he's looking,»» George said.
He's in the lead and, while we're not even 27 holes into this comeback, the way he's looked, separate and apart from the scores, you have permission to freak out and entertain the idea he's back.
No way he's looking at a title fight next, regardless of what happens with Barbosa.
Merson wrote in the Sky Sports website «West Ham have 35 points — meaning Southampton have to win three of their last five, that's the way I'm looking at it.
«Arguably, the way he is looking, he could be our best ever player.»
West Ham have 35 points - meaning Southampton have to win three of their last five, that's the way I'm looking at it.
«That's the way we are looking at it and if the day comes that when one of those rumours becomes the truth and there's a concrete situation, I will come to terms with it at that moment in time.
Either way I'm looking forward to welcoming Koscielny to be part of our new rock solid defence but we still need one more.................
If you find their swimsuits overly sexy, maybe you need to reevaluate the way you're looking at prepubescent bodies.
It's the increased availability of sex, the ability to have it earlier and more often; alongside the panoply of pornography available on one's computer or cell phone that makes monogamous sex look boring compared to the way it was looked at in the 1950s.
Only the way you're looking at him.
Candles, music, dark intimate rooms... man, the way we are looking at our home birth is such a turn - on that we could very possibly end up having another baby precisely nine months to the day after this one arrives, if you know what I'm saying.
Is Ed looking at everyone else the way he is looking at me here in my kitchen?!
«Everything happens for a reason, and that's the way I'm looking at it.
When you go hunting in this way you're looking for connections to your own research that nobody else in your field has spotted before.
The fascia isn't new unto itself; it's the way we're looking at it that's new: as a body system that has major implications for our physical and emotional well - being.
But it's the way you're looking at your movie RIGHT NOW that you can dial in, adjust and bring into a new focus.
I feel fit & strong but don't like the way I am looking.
But now I'm looking toned from this challenge I've started to appreciate and enjoy the way I'm looking, knowing how to eat healthily enjoy the occasional cheat meal and feel fucking confident too
My family and I are working to get healthy and this is just one of the ways we are looking to do it!
You can vary the speed at which this is done and get different results, but either way you're looking at one killer butt exercise.
I love the way you're looking at it!
Excuse the way I'm looking in this post — clearly I was having an off day My hair is in that awful in - between, growing - out stage when it's difficult to do anything with it.
By the way I was looking for your blog's Facebook page to like but didn't find one, are you thinking of creating one down the road?
Love your outfit by the way you are looking fabulous.
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