Sentences with phrase «way staffing decisions»

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Through decisions made haphazardly 60 years ago, «we chose as a country to staff our labs primarily with graduate students and postdocs and a few non-tenured staff people, while other countries have permanent ways of staffing their labs,» often with PhD staff scientists in career positions, says Georgia State University economist Paula Stephan, an authority on the academic labor force.
The only way to correct this problem is for districts to use real salaries when staffing schools and for state lawmakers to allow districts to base personnel decisions on job performance instead of just seniority.
Last in, first out (LIFO) is the law of the land in California and is a terrible way to make staffing decisions.
Michigan's Public Act 4 is the most extreme example, but lawmakers from New York to California are seeking ways to circumvent or eliminate public school teacher tenure, pushing for staffing decisions to be made based on merit rather than seniority.
Making them work in a way that will secure profit while satisfying clients has strategic and operational implications that impact everything from highest - level decisions around maintaining and building market share to agreeing day - to - day staffing needs.
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