Sentences with phrase «way than criticism»

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Copyright extension and ISP liability are controversial issues in Canada, and there has been extensive criticism of the way that other agreements, most notably the TPP, have established stricter standards than established Canadian law.
Helmut Thielicke has taken this criticism seriously in his Theological Ethics, speaking of the various structures of our common life, such as the state, law, economics, etc., as «orders of history» rather than as «orders of creation,» and presenting them in an infralapsarian way as «orders of the divine patience, given because of our «hardness of heart» (Matthew 19:8).»
There is no better way of showing this distinction than by pointing to the devastating criticism of Israeli policy that is increasingly coming from within Israel itself.
All three criticize our Western heritage in ways that are congenial to Whitehead, while giving far more concreteness to these criticisms than have Whiteheadians, apart from these movements.
Nor, whatever allowance be made for overcoloring in the course of controversy, is it possible to doubt that he did deliberately criticize them, and sometimes in trenchant terms, though we need not assume that all of them were included in such criticism; there were perhaps more teachers of the Law with whom Jesus could find himself in friendly agreement than the two or three who have found their way into the gospels.
In his own wide - ranging and nuanced criticism of both biblical and secular texts, Ricoeur himself moves easily from a close reading of symbols to theoretical reflection, thereby modeling for an entire generation a more conceptually sophisticated way of joining religion and art than had heretofore been practiced.
Not to mention that being told to sit quietly, submissively, and above all, not to show your anger, is one of the major ways that women have been pushed down and marginalized in our culture (which, I would suggest, is a strong contributing factor to the kind of feedback you have been receiving for your recent posts - you were far nicer to Mark or Donald or whoever than many of us guys have been to them over the years, and yet you seemed to receive far more criticism for speaking up - i.e. not just for what you said, but for the very fact that you said anything at all - than we would have).
My one criticism is that to make the stated 12 - 15 cookies, you need to use way more than a tbsp size of dough per cookie.
Goals — I honestly believe there would have been as much criticism thrown his way if he'd converted his chance on the weekend than if he did.
Or, to put it another way, the available talent pool of officials is shallower than it needs to be thanks to the unwarranted criticism that refs must endure — even when they make the right call in pressure situations.
Kids raised this way turn out more emotionally stable, confident and successful than kids raised the other ways but there is still criticism of this style of parenting.
Robin Kaplan: Alright, when we come back, we will discuss the health benefits for the mom who nurses longer than a year as well as ways to deal with possible criticisms.
Some criticism was made of his time in Liverpool that he spent a lot of money but generated little in the way of new employment («I would not blame him for that: Liverpool had defeated better men than Michael Heseltine» commented Lady Thatcher acidly in her memoirs in 1993).
This might be a crude analysis - we'd certainly never counsel criticism for its own sake - but challenging policy in a constructive and meaningful way through the pages of the national press can often complement a public affairs strategy rather than hinder it.
... There needs to be ways of handling criticism and challenge, of responding to a range of different sorts of criticism and getting into a more productive relationship with critics than we have sometimes seen in this case.»
If you're really irritated by something your partner is doing or failing to do, find a way to constructively criticize rather than taking the easy route: just plain criticism.
The latter is a clever way to get out in front of potential criticism, though it might be better if he just handled the core issue at the inception rather than addressing it reflexively later.
Struggling with intentionality inevitably clouds criticism of the work, if in no other way than to distract from the piece at key moments.
The reading of his film criticism gave me a very different key to American cinema than the one I used in France, a way to ground it in the culture and its language, to pry it away from its own mythology.
One of the participants shared that she «really appreciated that the «assignments» were open - ended enough that [she] could apply [the results] to [her] own work», and another participant commented, «This [course] was so much better than any other (M) OOC I've ever participated in before... With this course, I felt like I had the autonomy to proceed at my own pace while still being able to interact with other course members in meaningful ways (e.g. getting constructive criticism / feedback on my assignments in a timely manner, seeing what other people created, etc.)».
A new book published by the Council of Chief State School Officers offers educators ways to respond to two criticisms of history instruction: its failure to promote democratic values and its heavy reliance on textbooks rather than original - source materials.
No part of their work is more visible to the public and more inviting of criticism than the ways in which they spend and allocate money.
But the more recent criticism has focused specifically on the way the conclusions were arrived at, with even some of the researchers saying the larger picture is much less positive than Professor Peterson maintained.
(Like many types of analysis, you can weight or include certain factors or exclude them, not sure if I would do it exactly the way DG does, but it's likely personal semantics more than there being «one right way», almost a philosophy of analysis question, not a criticism).
There will always be criticism about the way we do adoptions, but that dog that goes home with an 18 year old who has never had one before has a better chance now than he did at the shelter.
I can't tell if the silence on their part is fear based on the criticism of their original plans, or if it's silence until they can do a big splashy announcement, but my gut is that it's the former rather than them having some big way to sell us on it as anything other them dipping - into the other console's cash flow they feel they've been missing out on.
Yes, since it's initial release back in August 2016, No Man's Sky has seen more than it's fair share of ridicule and criticism for seemingly not meeting the expectations of it's consumers, so much so that developer Hello Games themselves must have felt like they were dodging their way through an asteroid field of disapproval.
All that said, Guild Wars 2 is still my game, for all my criticisms of it, and while I find plenty to frown at with this new system, I'm also feeling encouraged to see ArenaNet seemingly taking player feedback into account and trying new ways to make money that are less bad — and less about getting away with as much gambling as possible — than the rest of the industry with its lockbox - infatuated debauchery.
Nintendo has been fielding more than its share of criticism in the months following its quixotic Wii U launch, so what better way to wallpaper over its shortcomings than rerelease one of the best entries in one of its most popular series?
They also need to write about them and, in the process, incorporate media theory, game studies, film criticism, anthropology, history, philosophy, and scientific studies, perhaps as a way of indicating that they are engaging in art making rather than basic Internet use.
I will say this, however, since it appears to be an issue to so many people: I've bluffed my way through many areas of endeavor and in my experience it's much harder to bluff your way through, say, ballet criticism than climate science.
The problem is in the difference between constructive criticism («hey, I think X is a better way to describe process Y than what the IPCC said... I'm going to publish a paper saying so, and give talks about it, and maybe it X will be reflected in the next IPCC report) to destructive criticism («hey, one sentence in one chapter in WGII was wrong about the melting of Himalayan glaciers.
I think your criticisms about assumptions are fair, but perhaps a better way of looking at this post is not so much «CO2 caused x amount of warming,» but rather «CO2 COULD N'T HAVE CAUSED MORE THAN x amount of warming,» thereby invalidating the claims of catastrophe.
Although some criticisms of the statutory human rights system may be valid, and some jurisdictions have less comprehensive schemes than others (for example, human rights commissions are absent from the legislative schemes of Nunavut and British Columbia), the fact remains that the statutory human rights system has the potential to serve the public interest in ways that a private law model of tort or contract litigation does not.
Many Amazon customers praise it for its spaciousness, but its wrist rest draws criticism for its firmness and for getting in the way more than providing comfortable support.
In the end, Gottman took note of what he called «Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse» — contempt, criticism, defensiveness, and stonewalling — and found that couples who used more of these horsemen during their observed argument were far more likely to split up than those who found more respectful ways to disagree.
Rather than falling into the trap of expressing criticism with generalizations, communicate things like how you feel and the precise situation that made you feel that way.
When they express their dissatisfaction as criticism rather than as a sadness or longing, their partner may only hear that they are falling short in some way.
(That's more money, by the way, than the carried interest tax break that's gotten much more public attention and criticism from Trump and leading Democrats.)
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