Sentences with phrase «way to salvation yet»

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God has set a narrow, specific yet plain way of salvation (faith in Jesus alone) so only honest humans who honor God can make it to Him.
Yet another suggestion of the total image concerns the way in which living and non-living realities are to be joined in human life and for human salvation.
Yet much can be done in the way of making clear the understanding of man's spiritual nature, his high destiny which points beyond this life for its fulfillment, the meaning of the Kingdom for this life and the next, the Christian concepts of judgment and salvation with eternity in their span — in short, the goodness and power of a God who, having given us this life, can give us another in which to attain to his nearer presence, enjoy a richer happiness, and do his will more perfectly.
They present the Church as the Church of those who as sinners accept in faith the human life of all, with its ordinariness and its burdens, so that we experience our own lot as that of the Church, and ourselves as its members in that way; as the Church which is believed because we believe in God, the Church whose belief is not to be identified with what it experiences; above all as the Church which is the promise of salvation for the world which has not yet expressly recognized itself as part of the Church, the Church as the sacramentum of the world's salvation.
Yet if salvation is genuinely social, then there can be no place for a distinction that invites us to assume, for example, that we have ownership over our bodies and possessions in a way that is not under the discipline of the whole church.
Yet, I will pray that you and all who believe that Jesus Christ to be a farce to see the Truth and the Way... that you will ask God to forgive you and receive his FREE gift of salvation.
The creditor's or voluntary arrangement supervisor's deposit is up by # 15 to # 415 and any debtor after salvation will have to extract an additional # 10 from the cash dispenser machine on the way to court (he can not yet do it all on the internet, as threatened) as his deposit rises to # 345.
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