Sentences with phrase «way to the surface»

The system's a handy way to surface and respond to timely information quickly, while allowing less critical tasks to wait for your attention.
So we are working on better ways to surface work — for example, practices (illustration, silversmithing, ceramics), «popular» (views today, now etc.), colour, geography.
We have a former teacher turned data scientist on our team who's tracking a variety of metrics and looking for ways to surface insights and recommendations as school leaders build schedules.
And, along the way we discovered some cool ways to surface titles more accurately, that we think better reflect the interests of readers.»
Abe Ahn reviews «I can call this progress to halt» at LACE, considering gestures of protest or unrest featured in the exhibition, which offer ways to surface new social relations and the potential for a commune untethered to time and place.
Facebook's experimented with ways to surface old Memories since 2010.
The new covers also connect in a different way to the Surface Pro 3 so that it offers better stability for when users have the tablet and cover on their laps.
Such a vision, I believe, can grow from the thrust of the human spirit, the quest of life itself, pushing its way to the surface in dreams and hopes of a better world, a world that is not yet but which might be.
bubbled its way to the surface again because of the discussion here.
Of course, launching a successful viral campaign involves much more than just dreaming up a clever video, and for every viral campaign that claws its way to the surface of the public mind, dozens or hundreds of others sink leaving scarcely a ripple.
Magma on its way to the surface can fracture crust or expand existing fissures; it's a process similar to the way wastewater pumped underground during oil and gas extraction operations can cause small - scale seismic events.
They may have come from the source of the magma deep in the Earth's crust or they may have been picked up by the magma on its way to the surface.
The crystals are carried in the erupting magma, continuing to crystallise and change in composition on the way to the surface.
They improve soil conditions by aerating the ground as they tunnel their way to the surface and provide a nutrient - rich — if infrequent — diet for many species of birds.
In a 2005 review of the experiment, however, Adams suggests that much of the diesel fuel and crude oil remained submerged in the form of droplets that only slowly made their way to the surface.
If there is indeed significant radioactivity in the core, for instance, we would expect subatomic particles called neutrinos (by - products of radioactive decay) to be emitted and make their way to the surface.
IRON CORE Mercury's iron - rich core extends three - quarters of the way to the surface and makes up 60 percent of the planet's mass.
The best case scenario was water reaching about 90 per cent of the way to the surface.
One of the surprising things about the earthquake, in addition to the 50 meters of slip, was that the fault ruptured all the way to the surface of the seafloor.
Ice at the bottom of the borehole was deposited about 70,000 years ago; ice about one - sixth of the way up about 50,000 years ago; and ice about one - third of the way to the surface 20,000 years ago.
Usually, these earthquakes don't rupture all the way to the surface,» Fulton said.
In this case, the «peak» is down on the surface, and the base camp is in orbit, and would serve a similar purpose to those mountain camps: a place for humans to prepare before making their way to the surface of the Red Planet.
Because these hydrocarbons are much more buoyant than water, they eventually force their way to the surface.
If the heat is intense enough (center), it might melt the ice almost all the way to the surface; in that case, organic matter and sunlight from above could reach the ocean, creating promising conditions for biology.
The magma forced its way to the surface, erupting from a new volcanic vent, now called Novarupta, 10 kilometres from Mount Katmai.
As they tried to make their way to the surface, they found the narrow passageway out of the cave blocked.
Engineers must also insulate the riser pipes with polymers, plasticlike material that makes the pipes more flexible and keeps the oil from cooling too quickly and clotting on its way to the surface.
The meter - long worm then makes its way to the surface of the skin and breaks out in a slow, painful egress typically lasting more than 30 days.
«If the earthquake had broken all the way to the surface, it could have been much, much worse.»
In this case, one of the surprises was that the quake did not rupture all the way to the surface.
A quick search through the celestiamotherlode site uncovers detailed excursions to each planet, along with more adventurous journeys that take you from outside the Milky Way all the way to the surface of the sun.
Either in the magnesium or in the tungsten layer, the light can remove electrons, which then find their way to the surface.
The microbe's habitat extends from the deepest parts of a wetland, which are devoid of oxygen, all the way to surface soils.
There, many kilometers deep, the carbonate rocks will be exposed to very high pressures and temperatures, converting the carbonate rocks back to the silicates and expelling CO2 and water — these gases will then find their ways to the surface through explosive volcanoes near the plate subduction boundaries.
It is thought that water from the ocean below has made its way to the surface in these areas, depositing various minerals or salts, etc..
KAMUELA, Hawaii — With data collected from the mighty W. M. Keck Observatory, California Institute of Technology (Caltech) astronomer Mike Brown — known as the Pluto killer for discovering a Kuiper - belt object that led to the demotion of Pluto from planetary status — and Kevin Hand from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) have found the strongest evidence yet that salty water from the vast liquid ocean beneath Europa's frozen exterior actually makes its way to the surface.
We've finally made our way to the surface.
Researchers have long speculated that water could find its way to the surface through openings along the cracks and ridges of the moon's chaotic geologic terrain.
The core extends from the sun's center to about a quarter of the way to its surface.
According to Deadline, the dark character - driven drama will focus on the, ``... remaining few residents of this ghost town [that] are determined to preserve their homes but remain unaware of the evil that is slowly making its way to the surface.
While her spaniel whines pitifully for its missing master, her own complex feelings are still working their way to the surface.
When she finally fights her way to the surface, Maria is cut, bruised and partially unclothed from the force of the water.

Phrases with «way to the surface»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z