Sentences with phrase «way work»

This is only one example of many ways we work with the dog on a daily basis to help make them a better pet.
Sometimes you just have to get through it, in whatever way works for your family.
If so, can you think of ways your work has been improved by having an artist nearby?
You do this by opening up a conversation in whatever way works best for them — with messages, forms, or meetings.
There are so many ways we all work together to save animals, and fostering gives me the opportunity to meet many of those people.
It worked then basically the same way it works now: a base pad with a big ol' metal coil would wirelessly send power to another coil on the inside of a phone.
They're made with 2 mounting holes so you can set it up in whatever way works best for you.
If you are on the margin, you get to do your taxes twice to see which way works better for you.
If you haven't worked in customer service in the past, think about ways your work experience demonstrates that you have the abilities required for a customer service position.
Just because one way works fine for me, it doesn't mean it does for everyone else.
In many ways the works in this exhibition are images of passing time.
In addition, they can work toward understanding how to be in close age relationships in healthy ways working through problems together, healing hurts, forgiving, and showing love for one another.
These are not exclusive fashion rules, and doing them other ways works as well, but these are some guidelines on how one can pull it off.
Fresh rolls are the most common way we work with rice paper in our kitchen.
The probiotic supplements way works as long as you take them.
I will recommend this dealership to others because of the professional way they work with the customers and each other.
The organic way works, but only to a point.
Resources can be structured in whichever way works best for the curriculum or subject type, letting students easily discover the information they need.
One of the main ways they work to achieve this goal is with their 94 unique ocean villas.
I need instruction to master new skills and forgiveness for my mistakes that actually hurts someone, in the same way I work with my little girls.
There may be lots of ways it all works and could be less of an issue for people than I imagine it to be.
Experiment to decide which way works best for you.
The same way you work with a trainer for your fitness goals or use a GPS when you don't know where you're going, sometimes a little guidance makes sense.
So you can communicate «I love you» in whatever way works best for you, and your partner.
In many ways it works as an improved version of the already good Series 2 offering with the big stand out feature being the 4G connectivity.
The easy way works best when the quality of referrals is high, and the cost of making a mistake is low.
Just one of many ways we work to make things easier for you.
I prefer the third option but you can choose whichever way works best for you.
Whatever way works for you, be sure to keep a record of your learning journey.
The hydrocarbon lakes are part of a landscape that exhibits both the general principles of geology and the different ways they work on other worlds.
You see it works both ways
«Art and Space» is on view through April 2018 and provides perspectives from contemporary artists on the different ways a work of art «takes over the space» and the space «traverses the work of art»
Krysan and his colleagues also demonstrated that tamoxifen does not kill the fungus in the same way it works against breast cancer.
«Basically, the only way this works if all these stages and pieces are working in conjunction so in a sense we are the general contractors of this new way to advertise as we see the process through end - to - end and have built tools so that we can accomplish all of this,» he explained.
We can all commiserate about how painful dressing up for work is, and hopefully learn some tips or find some new pieces along the way
They will complement and enhance in myriad ways the work of the Museum's distinguished staff and uphold the level of excellence for which the Metropolitan is renowned.
Considering the myriad ways our work lives have changed over the past decade or so, the timing is right (if not overdue) for drastic adjustments in how company leaders relate to workers.
Apple's complete collection of gadgets is undoubtedly impressive, especially when considering the complementary ways they all work together.
United Way works with companies, governments, nonprofits and other organizations to address complex challenges on a national scale.
I eat as many greens as possible to get fresh raw omega 3 fats, but my diet is based on starches and I don't tolerate flax seeds, the Mc Doughall way works for me, just a bit concered about the omega 3 though because of cooking the grains.
worked ok this way
This last way works best with looser, lightweight tops or knits that don't button down.
No single way works for everybody, as each child has a different set of strengths and preferences when it comes to internalizing information.
Through a series of micro-exhibitions curated by a diverse roster of collaborators, Objects and Voices reveals the multiple ways we work with, learn from, and enjoy objects of art.
In many ways their works recall Packer's statement: «alone in a landscape with no solid structures, Americans have to improvise their own destinies, plot their own stories of sense and salvation.»
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