Sentences with phrase «we hit upon»

We did like nine prototypes and then we hit upon an idea that would become Sound Shapes.
But for those firms lucky enough to hit upon a major blockbuster — typically defined as any drug with annual sales of more than $ 1 billion — the rewards can be handsome.
Though science has yet to hit upon an affordable artificial light source — a key obstacle to making agricultural skyscrapers commercially viable — Despommier envisions a future populated by greenery - filled glass towers.
Having hit upon a product that solved a key pain for many people, Buffer has grown rather fast.
Yet back in 2001, when investment bank Goldman Sachs hit upon the idea of lumping four of the world's most - dynamic developing economies — Brazil, Russia, India and China — into a single bloc, only its most ardent boosters would have expected the concept to catch on like it has.
While some studios still opt for very expensive, high - quality 3 - D post-production, Gener8 appears to have hit upon a balance of high quality and affordability that is attractive to many entertainment companies.
His company, he said, had hit upon a way of delivering RNA - based therapeutics into live patients.
Founder Pietro Ferrero hit upon the idea of using hazelnut — abundant in his native Piedmont region — in order to save on expensive chocolate when making confectionary.
Rovio had tried and failed with 51 titles over six years before it hit upon Angry Birds, fame, and fortune.
Segre, like most researchers, knows it will be a long series of experiments until researchers hit upon a few different material combinations for batteries.
Between the last two rounds of treatment, I hit upon what foods are right for me, and also the kind of exercise and when I do it.
So the brothers hit upon an intriguing alternative: Genuine Neighborhood Shoppes.
After necessarily brief reflection, Lee hit upon the following insight: the ship had several decks, so why not treat it like a big building with many floors?
Chief Executive and co-founder Vikas Gupta hit upon the idea to start Wonder Workshop during a six - month sabbatical he took shortly after his daughter.
I had lunch with Joe Fahmy a few months back and he and I hit upon a grand realization — it was one of those aha!
An investor would have taken an immediate 35 % hit upon buying this coin and selling it back to the same dealer.
It is not smugness, therefore, but sheer rightness that this man should be cheered «not to have exposed my inhibitions but to have hit upon some marvelously practical and obdurate part of myself.»
When Aristotle deliberately expresses the commonality of energeia and entelecheia, and when he further asserts that energeia, as the efficacy of the actual, strives toward entelecheia as toward its fulfillment, 19 it seems to us that the decisive point of convergence between these concepts and Whiteheadian thought has been hit upon.
When a man turns his back upon someone and walks away, it is so easy to see that he walks away, but when a man hits upon a method of turning his face towards the one he is walking away from, hits upon a method of walking backwards while with appearance and glance and salutations he greets the person, giving assurances again and again that he is coming immediately, or incessantly saying «Here I am» — although he gets farther and farther away by walking backward — then it is not so easy to become aware.
You have hit upon one of the key texts which many Calvinists use to defend the fourth point of TULIP: Irresistible Grace.
This essay is primarily a voyage of discovery, explaining the way in which Whitehead tried on different theories for size before finally hitting upon the theory of becoming just described.
But Greene has hit upon something valuable.
Obviously abortion is a lynch pin issue in any election because it is really one of the few issues that hits upon both the religious and secular implications of politics, and I don't usually support or vote for pro-choice candidates.
---- And of course, you have hit upon the rub.
Sarah You have hit upon the purpose of that parable.
His poetry was patterned of intense, unashamed bliks, private views, into his own experience, but the praise that followed showed that he had also hit upon universal themes, There was always, of course, a handful of critics who thought Lowell overrated.
Whether a man has a right to make this affirmation, must be left to him, it is a question between him and the Eternal Being who is the object of faith whether in this respect he can hit upon an amicable compromise.
Shalit has hit upon the most exciting truth to come out of the whole sexual revolution: «Modesty is the proof that morality is sexy.»
Leibowitz, quite clearly, has hit upon a marvelous formula for reducing cognitive dissonance.
The Chinese, brilliantly cynical, and joined by India and a number of African states, have hit upon a perfect non-starter: The climate problem was created by the West, the industrialized nations, so they should fix it, cutting their emissions to forty percent below 1990 levels, until the developing nations have had a chance to catch up.
A leading example of this is Betty Friedan, who, whatever might be one's disagreement with her, surely can not be charged with having hit upon revisionism as a «marketing tool,» or with being no more than «a fallen leader who is clearly distressed and angry that she wasn't allowed to be the Alpha wolf as long as she would have liked.»
Whitehead hits upon a similar distinction when he contrasts «transitions» with the intrinsic process of the concrescence (PR 210/320).
What Rayleigh and Ramsay did was this: They at once perceived that they had hit upon a line of investigation which would disclose some subtlety of chemical theory that had hitherto eluded observation.
After thinking it over, he hit upon a solution.
Lin's maniacal rantings do hit upon a common Christian theme.
Lin's maniacal rantings do, however, hit upon a common Christian theme.
All around you there seemed to be something glaring, garish, rattling, and the noises and glares hit upon the little cell called your life, and shook it, and warped it» (Jude the Obscure [Houghton Muffin, 1965], p. 17).
Almost two hundred years ago, the poet Goethe experimented with prismatic colors and hit upon an entirely different set of color simples (Goethe 1791).
As soon as I hit upon a few more ideas for black chickpea sprouts» recipes, I'll come back with more recipes.
Not only did I want to do new photos and a fun recipe video, but I also hit upon a new and easier way of making the filling.
Then she hit upon something everyone else had missed, and some home bakers are nervous about: salt.
Colleen — you've hit upon my FAVORITE sandwich growing up.
I played around with the ratio of tequila to juice and think I've hit upon the perfect mix.
This is the most hit upon page at our site.
With my 2nd (really my 3rd) helping, I hit upon chopping up some cucumber to add to the pomegranate and chopped herbs on top of the tahini sauce.
The Berliners initially experienced some scepticism about the concept but, after two years perfecting their recipes, believe they have hit upon the future of food to go.
I hit upon a super tasty pie crust that was built with a blend of 5 different flours, plus additional ingredients.
It looks like you hit upon the right ratio of banana to egg, which I suspect has been my issue in the past.
The billowing bag silhouette no sooner settled over the forms of American womankind than designers hit upon its possibilities as a cover - up for the beach.
Then, as though he had just hit upon a new way to get Carry Back once again into the winner's circle, he beamed and said, «Nope, $ 15,000 is too much to spend for that kind of a trip.
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