Sentences with phrase «we must assume»

So one must assume that the nature of change is inherent in the nature of design.
There is no template, so the public must assume that whatever Poloz has chosen to reveal is there for a reason.
So to make this «equivalency» math work, one must assume this person will not only invest the pre-tax $ 5,500 into a traditional IRA, but then also diligently invest the «extra» after - tax $ 1,375 into a taxable side account.
Every defense of current P / E ratios must assume either a higher long - term growth rate than is evident from historical data, or it must assume that investors are willing to hold stocks for a long - term return of substantially less than 10 %.
First, we must assume that there are only two possible positions one can take on China's economy.
In times of increased volatility a trader must widen their stops thus increasing the levels of risk they must assume when taking a trade.
They then must assume on graduation a severe debt burden, which will hang around their necks for a long, long time.
The buyer must assume all mortgage obligations, including repayment to the VA if the loan goes into default.
But if that's not his assumption, then he must assume that the feds need Alberta's buy - in as a practical matter of politics.
While registration with FinCEN is quickly done through the bureau's website, a company must assume the on - going burden of AML and know your customer (KYC) compliance programs, including collecting personally identifying information about customers, monitoring transactions, reporting suspicious activity, creating risk mitigation plans, and more.
As consummate victims, we lay ourselves at the feet of our fellows, exhibiting our lack of achievement as evidence of their failure, hoping to wring from their sense of conscience what we must assume, by the very logic of our claim, lies beyond our individual capacities to attain, all the while bemoaning how limited that sense of conscience seems to be.
you cant so I must assume you too are nothing but a siily child with a hint of bulling
And since everything in life has flaws, we must assume that the Bible does too.
Don't say man can not walk on water because to do that you must assume Jesus was not who he said he was or who the witnesses claim he was.
Where is the line drawn beyond which we must assume something is too complex and must have been designed?
For the moment then and unless any further evidence turns up, we must assume that she is telling the truth.»
What we certainly must assume at the outset is that the question of such distinctions requires discussion, and that therefore every type of doctrine implied as formally possible if the distinctions are genuine must be given full and fair hearing.
If it is to do more than organize the private interpretation of one person, it must assume that God's Spirit has been at work in the whole church.
It is difficult to imagine any explanation in purely historical terms, though the unbeliever must assume there is one.»
But this is `... a motivation for which he neither provides documentation nor explanation» [J. M. Robinson in his review of Jungel's book, Interpretation i8 (1964), 357], and, moreover, the tendency in Luke to make John the end of one epoch of the Heilsgeschichte, and Jesus the beginning of another, is so well attested that we must assume that it is Luke and not Matthew who has made the change.)
Accordingly, Garaudy asks: «Is it to impoverish man, to tell him that he lives as an incomplete being, that everything depends upon him, that the whole of our history and its significance is played out within man's intelligence, heart and will, and nowhere else, that we bear full responsibility for this; that we must assume the risk, every step of the way, since, for us atheists, nothing is promised and no one is waiting?
In the same way, if we are, as the abortion - choice movement must assume, bearers of moral rights by nature (including the «right to choose»), then there can be no right to abortion, for the one who has the «right to choose» is identical to her prenatal self.
Charter drafters have made many changes that have moved their document closer to the UN position, but one must assume the compromises are grudgingly done and only for tactical reasons.
But notice that to arrive at this understanding of the principle, we must assume that in it the verb «to constitute» is functioning as a copula — that it merely links the grammatical subject to a predicate nominative, thus establishing the identity of «being» and «becoming».
, or must we assume that every law passed is in futherance of the protection of our rights (which is obviously not that case).
The essential point is that each person must assume the caste to which his parents belong.
We must cut ourselves off from industry and agriculture; we must forget our history; we must assume that even language does not exist.
The research community itself must assume part of the blame for pointing our attention in the wrong direction.
We must assume some fundamental trustworthiness of these witnesses if we are to suppose that they can mediate an encounter with a real person.
Now the point toward which my remarks are intended to argue is that the canons of reason and observation within a postliberal theology must assume a far humbler role than was observed or exercised by an earlier liberalism.
Indeed, we must assume that these are their only significant desires.
One must assume the practical inexhaustibility of natural resources.
Nevertheless, given the usual fragmentariness of available evidence, the limitations of time and intelligence, and the complexity of human affairs, the historian must assume the responsibilities and accept the risks of history - making.
Unless we are to suppose that there is little or no correlation between the initial aim and the final form of the subjective aim — a very strange supposition — we must assume vast differences in the initial aims derived from God by a primitive man and by an Einstein, or for that matter, between myself as I drop off to sleep in the evening and as I write these words.
Bonhoeffer emphasized that in the modern secular age the mission of the church must assume a secular style.
If God can be revealed and encountered personally, or discussed in common at all, then the truths about who God is must assume propositional form.
Although God assists in determining the nature of reality by initiating the «subjective aim» of each emerging actual entity, because reality is self - creative the human being must assume responsibility for systemic suffering and social malfunctioning in the world.
Peirce, then, must assume that pure nothing in some sense is, viz., as potentiality.
Nor must we assume that our enlightened times have replaced the behavior of the «dark ages» with open - mindedness.
John, for your blather to be accepted or have any merit, one must assume there is a god.
It may be earlier, and, indeed, we must assume some knowledge of the tenets of Christianity in Paul even before his conversion.
In order to answer the questions that have emerged from this consideration of scholastic concepts relating to the efficient causality of finite things, we must assume two propositions which - can only be formulated here but not really proved.
Here, as everywhere, we must assume gradual development of the new rather than sudden emergence.
We must assume that under the rapidly mounting pressures forcing them upon one another the human molecules will ultimately succeed in finding their way through the critical barrier of mutual repulsion to enter the inner zone of attraction (This is an old idea which I advanced nearly twenty years ago in an unpublished essay entitled, The Spirit of Earth.)
Nevertheless, every thoroughgoing metaphysics must assume or assert some eternal reality or realities, whether it be God in classical theism or the material universe in Marxism or the God - inclusive - of - the - world of Hartshorne.
That is to say, we must assume, on the strength of their common behavior (multiplicity in similarity) that all, in their varied degrees of complexity and magnitude, are manifestations of a single, fundamental, granular structural principle of the Universe — simply larger or smaller particles.
Matthew regards the parable as an illustration of the «last, first: first, last» principle, but we must assume that it was originally spoken in a context in which Jesus was being attacked for his attitude to «tax collectors and sinners», with all that this implied to many of his contemporaries.
If we may assume (as it seems to me we must assume) that the quotation was first used at one of these points only and was afterward extended to the others, we can scarcely doubt that this point was the resurrection.
In any event, when we talk of the church in these matters, we must assume that the church is neither religion nor art, but the institution in and through which the Christian perception of religion is manifested, nurtured, and proclaimed in the world.
Elsasser does not go as far as this, and he suggests that there is room for (and we must assume the existence of) separate laws — biotonic laws, as he calls them — which are compatible with the quantum laws but not deducible in principle from them.
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