Sentences with phrase «we talk about love»

«It comes down to the very simple things of talking about what you are doing, talking about your passion, talking about your love,» Dorsey says.
Google & Bing talked about their love of social and the impact on SERP's in a recent post with Dany Sullivan of Search Engine Land.
Throughout the day, many speakers from different companies and backgrounds gathered to talk about their love of Digg, how to best use and what tips we needed to know to best utilize StumbleUpon as a marketing tool.
We're talking about love relationships not the titillation of nerve endings -------- I notice you weren't really interested in my answer as giving me your take.
We're talking about love relationships not the titillation of nerve endings As to who can or can not hold a leadership position or who can or can not teach in a church, I think it comes down to morals not legality.
Teri «You don't think talking about their loved ones IS talking about Christ's love?»
All I'm saying is that you can not talk about love without first talking about God... in spite of what we humans do with that word / concept, God is at the core of it.
They are talking about love — something that all people feel no matter what their spiritual beliefs are.
And all she ever talks about is love, and, to her, that is the meaning of family < 3 Talk about God, talk about love, talk about family.
Before we die most of us talk about love.
My Aunt who was old @ 93 when I asked her about her life what did she want to talk about on her death bed, she talked about her love!
If they're dying and wish to spend their last few breaths talking about their loves and sorrows, you might want to listen and not speak... you shouldn't spend their last moments for them, but with them.
In the Church, we talk about loving our enemies.
She simply related that most of them want to talk about their loved ones.
We are a family of faith, but we talked about our love for each other.
I would far prefer to talk about love and family.
If they want to talk about the love or lack of love in their lives, then we should listen!
They talk about the love they felt, and the love they gave.
Dying people have already heard about God and have made their peace with Him one way or the other - this is why they are free to talk about love and their families.
But we are not talking about love and hate.
We must seem very strange to Christians of the Third World, for example, in talking about love but then building economic dams so that we can control those rains God sends from heaven on the just and on the unjust.
Reading the article, I imagined myself as one of the dying people talking about the love they've shared with their spouse, with the chaplain understanding that this was how I came to understand God, love, forgiveness and all the theological questions.
He just talked about love.
And talking about loving the poor and oppressed is super cool.
For I suppress much of my actual truth, I do not want to admit it; I am perhaps in an ultimate attitude of protest without noticing it; despite all my talk about the love of one's neighbour I may even be the greatest egoist without realizing it.
Kauffman pointed out that «Jesus talks about loving our enemies and praying for our enemies and doing good to those who do evil to us»; more than this, on the cross «Jesus allowed himself to die, and absorbed in his own being the violence around him, rather than countering that violence.»
When did we jump from talking about loving yourself and how that liberates you to love others to talking about a very specific type of love?
But it was not a lot of talk about the love of God that was the center of the apostolic message.
Matthew 24:12 talks about the love of many growing cold.
You talk about love, grace and mercy.
Here are some comments: «You talk about love as if there were no people hating each other.»
Liked to drink wine, and talk about love.
As a Christian, I'd equally note the shallowness of «talking about love = non-analytical.»
He would be capable, would he not, day in and day out, as long as it was day and well into the night, of talking about his love.
Those who are «in love» are always talking about their love.
All this BS talk about loving your fellow man is a crock — people who run organized religions are such hypocrites.
Quizzed about what really matters, Jesus talked about loving both God and...
More than likely, there's a lot of talk about loving each other, but not much about fighting against sin or fighting for each other.
They talk about love and equality but they hate the other are wounding and don't care who gets caught in the crossfire.
I'm a bit fond of Jesus, he was good at giving answers that made people question, and he talked about love a lot.
Grant, the posts Jeremy and I wrote that talk about loving our neighbors, being the church in the community, and loving and helping the poor, homeless and needy are very much about how to live in community with our brothers and sisters in the Lord, as well as almost everyone in our community.
This does not mean the vague and comfortable awareness that we get from our culture — and all too often from our churches and church schools — that Jesus was a good guy who talked about love.
While Americans and other Western nations talk about their love of freedom and democracy, the Catholic church has not changed its way for two millennia.
As he talked about the love of God, the love of God itself drew near.
It would be great if all articles were like this one, where people can talk about loving Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God the Father.
«As long as people talked about love,» the speaker thundered, «they did not have to practice it.»
The entire passage talks about love and respect.
In this post, I have only talked about loving others (my wife) and studying books (me), but I imagine there are other passions and interests that some of you might have.
He talks about love while doing the exact opposite so it proves your God doesn't change anything.
we throw these terms around and talk about love and punishment and what god does.
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