Sentences with phrase «weak abdominal muscles»

Often the main cause of lower back pain are weak abdominal muscles which, among other things, adversely affects posture.
It is often associated with weak abdominal muscles that are not able to hold the low back and pelvis in their neutral position where the pelvis is like a level bowl.
FLA Orthopedics - 9» 3 Panel Surgical Abdominal Binder provides support and compression to weak abdominal muscles after surgery without restricting breathing.
With unsupported legs and very weak abdominal muscles the pelvis tilts back in the infant and hyper - extends his back.
With my most recent pregnancy, the concept of belly binding intrigued me not only because the idea of shrinking my postpartum belly faster sounded appealing, but because I remember just how weak my abdominal muscles felt after the birth of my last two children.
This is primarily a hip flexor movement and will cause the low back to arch — leading to risk of back pain, especially if you've got weak abdominal muscles.
Women expecting multiples, petite women, those with a pronounced sway back, or with very strong pre-pregnancy abdominals or weak abdominal muscles prior to pregnancy are prone to this condition.
An abdominal binder can be helpful in providing comfort and support to weak abdominal muscles.
With nothing to cling to, weak abdominal muscles, and retracted shoulders, the infant's pelvis tilts backwards and is forced to not only carry weight of his own body but also to absorb the force of every step that the carrying individual takes - all on his little compromised spine.
Since they are very young and have weak abdominal muscles, they depend on grunting to assist them to move the gas and pressure out of their bowels through their anal orifice.
Infants also have weak abdominal muscles and often strain during bowel movements.
Instead the baby's spine is straightened and often hyper extended (concave «hollow back» shaped) due to weak abdominal muscles and lack of leg support.
When the pelvis is tilted forward, whether this is from tight hip flexors, a locked psoas, or weak abdominal muscles, the leg can not fully extend, which makes it harder to fully activate the glutes.
Both tight and weak abdominal muscles can reduce the length of the trunk, leaving little space for our internal organs, while at the same time creating a line of pull in the fascia or connective tissue that draws the head and neck forward.
If you have weak abdominal muscles or you have spent time lifting items that are excessively heavy, this can also contribute to many types of prolapses, along with hernias.
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