Sentences with phrase «weak arguments here»

I was going to start in on the many other weak arguments here, but it would be longer than this excessively long post.
Your weak argument here suffers from what is called a staw - man argument.

Not exact matches

here's the argument to your stupid hedge bet... which is a weak reason to believe by the way... if there is a god, he is the all knowing, all loving, all accepting kind of god and he will recognize those that led good lives and those that led bad ones and regardless of their religious beliefs will judge them on their actions and be allowed into this heaven.
The arguments posted thus far to leave that door open are weak (being kind here).
I have read many persuasive arguments against spanking, especially in the Carnival if Gentle Discipline, but your argument here is weak.
Dr Rosedale seemed to feel that this was the weakest point in my argument, and directed his fire here.
It was true that the studies proving the case for patent restoration — for laws that would give pharma additional compensatory patent time — were weak and inconclusive, but the essence of the industry argument struck a nerve with Engman: here again was a case of overregulation hurting the economy of the nation and depriving the consumer of an improved product.
I probably have a certain amount of bias here because at the time I was absorbing the contents of the debate / discussion raging at CA and tAV and it seemed pretty clear that the arguments against the S09 method were strong and easily understood and the arguments against were weak misdirection.
I must say that what I find somewhat unfortunate in the interesting account provided here (other than the already - noted focus on the weakest arguments, such as name - calling, rather than trying to address the strongest ones — surely this is the very definition of the straw - man fallacy?)
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