Sentences with phrase «weak dialogue»

Despite being saddled with weak dialogue and weaker characters, they display a range of personalities, many of which are enjoyable.
Henry Cavill and Armie Hammer trade in the same kind of faux - clever one - upsmanship that Holmes and Watson do in «Sherlock Holmes,» with similarly weak dialogue but barely a quarter of the charm.
But plot problems, some comically weak dialogue, repetitious scenes and a nonending ending keep the experience a little more earthbound than it had to be.
Dorff is stellar and the film builds some tension but a bit too much required suspension of disbelief, some plot holes, weak dialogue, and two increasingly silly twist endings ultimately sink the piece.
Smith's weak dialogue is the most disappointing part, as his strength has always been his clever scripts.
The best thing one can say about this film is that it is elevated by another impressive performance by Jennifer Lawrence, who actually gives her character some nuance, despite the weak dialogue and silly confrontations drummed up by Suzanne Collins.
The rest of Out of Time, all weak dialogue and lazy plotting (an outstanding bit involving an important fax notwithstanding), is indicative of the kind of fearful cinema of which Franklin has lately been guilty.
Icelandic director Baltasar Kurmakur, whose previous outing was the ultra-serious action drama Contraband (also with Wahlberg) falls victim to the weak dialogue and inconsistent villainy.
Some weak dialogue, strange tonal shifts, and awful third person shooting.
In deference to future readers of your book, if we feel that your story has development or style issues, two dimensional characters or weak dialogue, these issues will be brought to the reader's attention in order for them to make an informed decision before buying the book.
Another issue is the weak dialogue.
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