Sentences with phrase «weak force»

Gravity is actually a very weak force compared with the others, but because it interacts with everything, it builds up when you have a really massive object.
Since the 1970s, however, scientists have come to understand the strong and weak forces almost equally well.
These more recent proposals make extensive use of quantum technologies, from atomic clocks to weak force sensors.
His games all center around someone weak forced to contend with something strong, and the emotions experienced in overcoming such seemingly impossible odds.
One of the first things we learned in my college chemistry class is that gravity is actually a very weak force.
In contrast, the shape of the boundary in the original Plateau problem is known because it is made of rigid wire that remains fixed against the relatively weak forces of the soap film.
This is because the layers are held together through so called van der Waals interactions which are relatively weak forces as compared to other bonding configurations such as covalent bonds.
Students of human pathos may one day cherish the 16 - minute recording of me, with my 100 percent positive - feedback rating as an eBay purchaser, failing to make renowned physicist Steven Weinberg, who won a Nobel for unifying electromagnetism with the so - called weak force, admit that he can't explain how a magnet holds a dry - cleaning ticket to the door of a refrigerator.
«Cell biology: Kinesins ignore weak forces as they carry heavy loads: How motor proteins cooperate — or don't — to transport cargo in cells.»
As the football spreads suggest on Sporting Index, Sweden will be a far weaker force without the services of Ibra at this summer's World Cup, and what the 1958 finalists will miss above all else is his maverick methods of getting results.
gravity, magnetism, the nuclear weak force and the nuclear strong force.
Quantum flux requires inferred mass and is dependent upon weak force.
Fairly weak forces within and between these layers arise from cooperative motions of the electrons in the outer electronic shells of the diiodine molecules.
The larger your molecule, the more opportunities for this temporary weak force to occur, and propagate temporarily to another molecule.
To demonstrate the feasibility of the conductors, the scientists fabricated fully printed stretchable pressure and temperature sensors — that can sense weak force and measure heat close to body and room temperatures — wired with the printable elastic conductors on textiles.
And the strong and weak forces operate in the cores of atoms, binding together neutrons and protons or causing those particles to decay.
Boasting substantial military power over my own weaker forces, because at the time I hadn't realised pure brute force was going to be so important, they ran roughshod over me.
Also, noted, that the main effect of the milakovitch cycles are the 100Kyr cycle, but alas, it has been hard to explain why the relatively weak forcing associated with variances in the inclination of earths orbit relative to the invariable plane has such a big impact.
Heck, even peer pressure in scientific elites, a far weaker force than a full - on culture, managed to delay the proper emergence of the theory of continental - drift / tectonics for several decades, with pretty much the entire geological establishment against it at one point, despite a six year old child could see that the east coast of South America matched the west coast of Africa.
The historical trend results from a combination of much weaker forcing (evolving over time) and natural variability.
Writers of science fiction have field days imagining how universes with stronger and weaker forces of gravity or different ratios of weights of protons and neutrons could lead to forms of intelligent life.
Chien - Shiung found that this rule does not hold true for interactions between subatomic particles involving the so - called weak force.
The main obstacle to using neutral atoms as qubits has been that, unlike ions, they experience very weak forces and are not easily held in place.
Obviously, products get better inasmuch as the designer adds features, but this is a relatively weak force.
Gravitation is one of the four fundamental interactions of nature, along with electromagnetism, and the nuclear strong force and weak force.
There must be some kind of weak force?
The gauge symmetries of the strong and weak forces, for example, involve rotations in abstract mathematical spaces with complex dimensions.
Because the symmetries of the weak force are spontaneously broken, however, they do not manifest or express themselves in an obvious way, which is why it took so long to discover them.
But about forty years ago it was found that the weak force is actually based on an even larger set of gauge symmetries than those of electromagnetism.
For a long time it seemed that two other basic forces of nature, the weak force and the strong force, were not based on symmetries.
The grand unified theory (GUT) isn't actually relevant with GR, as the GUT is what we have to explain E&M, strong and weak forces.
Those particles interact only through gravity and the Weak Force!
Joeseph... Well neither does anybody else, but in the future men will understand the strong force, the weak force and some day gravity.
As a weaker force, the insurgents can not operate without the support of the people.
Pesky gremlins infested the team last term and its head boy Adrian Newey is going to have to design a 2018 - spec car that is much more resistant to the gremlins that caused so many retirements last season, although some blame has been laid at the door of Renault, who provided a weaker force of magic last season compared to its rivals.
The weakest forces (London dispsersion forces) are temporary dipoles (the imbalance of charge mentioned above) that crop up due to random movement of electrons, and exist for all molecules (but not ionic compounds which are made of ions which have full charges).
In recent history, the Nigeria Police has proven itself to be a weak force in terms of professionalism and the capacity of the personnel to effectively...
In recent history, the Nigeria Police has proven itself to be a weak force in terms of professionalism and the capacity of the personnel to effectively combat crimes and enforce the law throughout Nigeria.
But Salam, a practicing Muslim and one of the physicists to mathematically unify two of the fundamental forces of nature — electromagnetism and the weak force, which governs radioactivity — identified with Polkinghorne's quest.
As Close of Oxford points out, the sun's leisurely pace depends on the weak force being weak, and it is only weak because the W bosons that transmit it are massive.
«So the slow - burning sun is critical for our existence,» says Close, «and the slow - burning sun is because the weak force is so feeble, and it's feeble because the W boson is very massive, and the W boson is very massive because of all this Higgs business we've been talking about.»
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