Sentences with phrase «weak grip»

Third, we looked at the combinations, and the strongest inverse association between high blood pressure and mortality was for slow walkers with weak grip strength.
To improve it, add in some grip work into your arm workouts and avoid using straps because they let you get away with weak grip.
Previous work has shown that people with weaker grip strength in midlife and early old age are more likely to develop problems, such as loss of independence and to have shorter life expectancy.
In addition to the connection with weak grip strength, Wu said there was a «very clear» inverse association between high blood pressure and mortality among those who weren't physically able to finish the gait - speed test in the latest study, measured over a 98.5 - inch walk.
A study of nearly 7,500 Americans age 65 or older suggests that elevated blood pressure is not related to high mortality risk among people in that age group with weak grip strength.
At impact (red arrows) the club face is indeed slightly open — not at an exact 90 ° angle to the ball — because the weak grip has opened it at the top of the backswing.
A weak grip opens the club at the top of the backswing, setting up a fade.
This is necessary because the weak grip is harder to control at the top.
But I have found that an extension of the weak grip has greatly increased my accuracy and sense of touch with a pitching wedge, and it may do the same for you.
It's all the GOP can do to maintain its weak grip on its last vestige of control in the state Senate, which required a fragile power - sharing deal with five breakaway Democrats to achieve.
«Elevated blood pressure not a high mortality risk for elderly with weak grip
We are now clear about the range of normal strength in young adults and have used this information to propose levels below which an older person would be considered to have weak grip strength.»
The second part was grip strength — weak grip and normal grip.
They also have a weaker grip.
Some exercisers use webbing wrist straps or wrist hooks to enhance a weak grip.
And since forearm strength directly affects grip strength and vice versa, having a weak grip will also limit the effectiveness of your forearm training.
Unless you enjoy having skinny arms and a weak grip strength, focus on building thicker, fuller forearms to improve both your appearance and strength capacity.
A lack of grip strength will harm your performance in all upper body movements and essentially every pulling movement is going to fall short with a weak grip, so it's no wonder that grip training can increase the amount of weight you can lift.
Although it's true that your grip will naturally improve if you perform most lifting exercises correctly, in some cases lifters are stuck with a weak grip despite managing to build a relatively strong upper body.
A weak grip is another common factor that can limit your pulling performance — if your grip strength isn't sufficient to hold your body weight, that can be a serious problem.
In bodybuilding especially, guys with a weak grip are left with small back muscles and unimpressive compound lifts.
In this respect, it's much different than using straps, which basically enable you to get away with a weak grip and can weaken it even further over time if used regularly.
Almost all lifters with a weak grip make one common mistake: they try to mask it by using straps or avoiding free weights.
Well helps with a weak grip.
If you think about it, when you are engaging in most free weight lifting or body weight activity it is often the grip strength that will begin to fail first (especially if you have weak grip strength).
The deadlift, pull up, clean... essentially any pulling movement is going to fall short with a weak grip.
A weak grip will hold you back in so many areas!
As a woman, my biggest pet peeve is when a man gives me a weak grip, instead of the firm handshake they normally use with other men.
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