Sentences with phrase «weak hand grip»

A strong or weak hand grip carries more than just social cues.

Not exact matches

@BoldGeorge — So a woman hit's a child and uses the «My hands are so weak I can barely hold a bible» defense when any rational person would know gripping strength in your hands has nothing to do with your ability to swing them at a child.
It's a sad truth that the hands are the weakest link in nearly every athlete, and nowadays grip training represents a lost art.
My left grip is much weaker than my right hand grip.
When treating wrist, forearm and finger pain, see a clinician or physician if you experience numbness in one or both of your hands, a weak or unequal grip, tingling or signs of carpal tunnel.
Assuming you have a bar, grab the bar with both hands, shoulder - width apart, and your palms facing either away from you or towards you (perform more reps of whichever grip you are weaker at by doing this grip first, but make sure to do both ways for good muscle balance).
Don't clasp their hand in a death grip, but remember that a weak handshake is never good news.
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