Sentences with phrase «weak muscles mean»

And weak muscles mean a slower metabolism.

Not exact matches

«Well, I mean weak, like my muscles get weak...
A weak diaphragm will fatigue easily during exercise, meaning your muscles won't receive the optimum amount of blood flow during your next CrossFit WOD or 5K.
Structural imbalance is the most common reason for shoulder injuries and that dreaded hunched look, and it usually means that the front part of the shoulders is overdeveloped while the rear muscles are too weak.
This is because your muscles will be really weak and will need a lot of protein and carbs to begin to function at their best, but keep in mind that they are also primed to receive nutrients, meaning it's the best time to eat.
Others claim they can actually cause the problem they are meant to fix by over-supporting the arch and causing the muscles in the foot to get weaker from lack of use.
Fingernails — weaker, more brittle; hormones will be a little bit lower that means you'll have a lot of cycles, you know, symptoms with your cycle; you'll have lower libido; you won't be able to recover from strenuous work out; you won't be able to put on muscle, that's okay, no big deal.
What you'll notice in these compensations is that they're almost always paired muscles groups, meaning that the agonist (the one responsible for the action in the compensation) is tight and the antagonist (the opposing muscle group) is weak.
Deviations from neutral posture could mean that muscles on each side of the joint are chronically tight or weak.
i am asking because i am much weaker than anybody at my school it's so strange cause i started working out and i am 6» 3» feet tall my weight is 95 kg that means i am much bigger than anyone at my school and my muscle mass is bigger i went to a doctor and he said that so why i am so weak.For me i think it's genetics my father and his ancestors never lift weights they are so weak and also my mother's family so if you know how pls tell me.THX
For some people, it will mean to work on internal rotation by stretching and also activating adductors (stretching not for length, but for RELEASE, can be helptul for activating tight and weak muscles.)
This means you are more likely to stay healthy and safe, avoiding muscle pulls and other injuries due to imbalance or issues associated with weak stabilizer muscles.
When aerobic muscles are very weak compared to the rest of the aerobic system, it is often seen that the muscles will start to produce lactate at a lower heart rate (as there is minimal blood perfusion from the outside, meaning that the muscles are working with the minimal oxygen they have locally).
Aside from helping to prevent injuries, there's another reason: thanks to the good old 9 - 5 spent sitting on our tush, most people have weak glutes, tight hip flexors and tight hamstrings, which means if they dive straight into the exercises they don't target their glutes, but rather other muscles like the thighs (quadriceps in the front, adductors on the inside and hamstrings at the back).
A tight muscle almost always means that its antagonist (in this case the glute) is weak.
Does this mean my core muscles are weaker than my chest and shoulders?
However this doesn't simply mean that the muscles are weak.
Making this switch means that you are using weaker muscles, which will necessarily bring down your speed, until they develop.
(Not to mention that the muscles we're talking about are generally speaking a lot weaker than the surrounding muscles, which means that they have to run at a higher intensity, relatively, to be able to keep up).
That's a problem because anaerobic activity means stress, and we don't want to stress weak muscles.
These issues (on crutches some of the time) have meant that I am physically weaker, and at my age, I really can't afford muscle loss.
By «lagging» I mean either a muscle that's visually smaller or a weak muscle holding back your strength in a big lift.
In large breed dogs CHF is usually caused by dilated cardiomyopathy; this means that the muscle has stretched and grown weak causing inefficiency of heart pumping.
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