Sentences with phrase «weak passwords»

"Weak passwords" refers to passwords that are easy to guess or crack, making them vulnerable to unauthorized access. Full definition
Using the same password across multiple providers results in far more compromises than simply using weak passwords.
Over 70 percent of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges allow users to create accounts with weak passwords, a new study reveals.
The majority of people use very weak passwords and reuse them on different websites.
He noted that consumers will often make weak passwords or download questionable software in attempts to save time.
Security experts have identified weak passwords as a primarily vulnerability in online security.
There's a vulnerability scanner that looks for out - of - date software; it ignores weak passwords, though.
Some of the most popular crypto exchanges allow customers to use dangerously weak passwords, a new research has found.
«The fact that most exchanges allow their users to create incredibly weak passwords should serve as a wake - up call to the entire industry,» he continued.
In today's online world, you can't be running around with weak passwords.
Even if you take all the precautions in the world, they won't do any good if you use weak passwords.
I suspect that the underlying message is that by allowing users to choose weak passwords organizations send the unfortunate message that security is not important and the protection of personal information is either not a priority or the PI itself is of low value.
Instead, it populates via Secure Shell services that are susceptible to brute - force attacks because of weak passwords, Akamai SIRT's researchers said.
Employees accidentally let hackers in by creating weak passwords, accessing seemingly innocent social networking apps, clicking on legitimate - looking links or unknowingly downloading malicious files.
Whilst employing a secure password policy seems to be a broken record, a study published by the Global Security Report revealed that weak passwords still present a major threat to IT security.
Anyone using a networked monitor needs to research the security issues particular to their camera, keep all their security software on their home network up - to - date and NEVER use default or weak passwords on their camera or monitor.
«They may have very weak password policies and security policies that could let intruders take control of pumps, valves and other key components of the industrial control system.»
From weak passwords (pets» names were the most popular) to lax financial habits, young people are already leaving themselves open.
However, attackers could use this feature to perform INVITE scans with a call command to determine weak passwords to connect to a particular phone host on the PBX telephony network.
By Shehzad Mirza In January 2016, multiple reports were released with regards to the worst or weakest passwords in use in 2015.
The study further pointed out that testers were able to open trading accounts with weak passwords like «12345,» «password,» and in one case — just using the single letter «a.»
Clicking on unfamiliar links, choosing weak passwords and sharing personal information can leave a user's computer or employer open to having information stolen.
The fact that many exchanges allow their users to create weak passwords should «serve as a wake - up call to the entire industry,» Dashlane CEO Emmanuel Schalit said, quoted in a press release.
«Colin Powell had a very weak password,» said Will Ackerly.
In Phase 1, attackers look for vulnerable servers on the internet, which typically are those with weak passwords or poor security protocols.
With facts revealing consumers and business customers to be highly motivated to protect their own PII and financial assets, why do they commonly use weak passwords or ignore fraud alerts and updates?
Weak passwords: IT consulting firms see them all too often.
If you have weak passwords, you are going to be more susceptible to scams and hacking.
One basic security gap that cyber criminals look for is weak passwords.
Although it seems difficult to connect those dots, an event that unfolded with Laremy Tunsil — a projected top player in the NFL draft — proved that a weak password can lead to a damaged reputation and financial loss.
These weak passwords are no match for a dictionary attack, say security experts.
A hacker had broken into Twitter's systems, thanks to a weak password chosen by a Twitter employee.
Make it impossible, or at least difficult, to have weak passwords.
Objectives: With the goal of moving to digital, the leadership at Cityville needed to make sure that all 5000 of their team members have essential ICT security knowledge including basic password security behaviors, knowing about the difference between strong and weak passwords, how to use two factor authentication, and how to use password management tools.
That doesn't bode well for your security, since there's a statistical likelihood that you also used a weak password or re-used existing login credentials on other more sensitive accounts.
And many of us have weak passwords that make it easy for identity thieves to be successful.
Weak passwords are out.
Also, in a situation where an application forces users to use a weak password by restricting length and / or valid characters (think 4 - digit PIN), adding a 32 - bit salt (4 characters) is only going to give you a total length of 8 characters, well within reach of a nearly instantaneous rainbow table attack for common hashes like SHA - 1.
If one has a weak password for one's web - based personal information, is it reasonable to conclude that one has a reduced expectation of privacy with respect to that information?
But if you use a weak password or fail to use two - factor authentication, you are undercutting your own privacy protections.
Nor would it be productive or popular for law societies to proactively embark on an aggressive campaign to discipline lawyers for poor technological practices, like, for example, using weak passwords.
The answer is that they are not truly safe because nothing really is, but they are safer than the alternative, which is reusing your passwords or using weak passwords, or both.
Password security is an important part of client data security and it doesn't take too much effort to update your weak passwords.
If you use a weak password, you are could get hacked.
They will look for weaknesses in security configurations or weak passwords and exploit them to access firm networks.
On the other hand, many of the security vulnerabilities are the same as they've always been: weak passwords, unsafe storage and remote access habits, and outdated software.
Using biometric password technology is nothing less than using a weak password that can't be changed.
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