Sentences with phrase «weak person»

That therapy is for weak people who can't solve their own problems, and that therapists have all the answers.
There are a lot of weak people who need something to believe in for some reason.
That's what weak people did while the strong people took care of business.
The mundane, repetitive cycle of daily prison life can drive a mentally weak person to the brink of insanity.
I guess I'm just stronger than weak people such as yourself.
Both are designed to help the financially weaker person adjust to their financial position after divorce.
Two weak people together don t get one strong.
It denies the need for the state to curb them in order to protect the freedoms of weaker people.
In some cases, there is enough money to «buy out» the financially weaker person's maintenance claim.
Religion is a fairy tale for weak people who need something to hold on to in order to cope with their meaningless existence.
It's freakishly funny, suddenly tender, gleefully macabre, genuinely scary, and full of a moral — fear turns weak people into bullies — which is dosed out so gently that it never tastes like medicine.
as for the gay «question» that is just another people that the evangelicals can get emotional weak people to hate and fear so they can enlarge the crowd they control.
You are a fanatic like Camping, and thoes guys who wote the left behiind books, who ran all of the way to the bank laughing at all thoes weak people that you have paralyzed in FEAR!
Main thing you defend weak people, if you have opportunity.
Mitt worships the Golden Plate Bible a nut case name Joesph Smith Jr. told so weak people about.
Weak people try to intimidate with hate, I am not a hater and can only be sorry for those who set bad examples,» Matuidi said in a statement to AFP.
Wicked people love wickedly, violent people love violently, weak people love weakly, stupid people love stupidly, but the love of a free man is never safe.
For, to achieve his lightest wish, he must Become the whole of boredom, subject to Vulgar complaints like love, among the Just Be just, among the Filthy filthy too, And in his own weak person, if he can, Must suffer dully all the wrongs of Man.
So, you buy and read stuff that you think was written by weak people «on their knees.»
My opinion might be extreme but I think that the state should interfere and make sure business is conducted properly, that they don't target weak people, people that can't make informed decisions — but as an adult, if I want to put my money into horse betting there should not be a monopoly.
But he is also, like many bloviators, an emotionally weak person with the insecurity of someone who has to make absurd claims such as his legendary invention of the Internet.
But the older that I got and the more that I talked to people and saw what really happens to people who come from abusive families, I saw that these are not weak people.
Bill Deacon What a truly weak person you are, sad really, blind faith, you would have made a fine Nazi follower.
Animals are easy victims, and people who use high - powered weaponry to interrupt their lives are weak people who get a thrill from killing sitting ducks or, in this case, sitting bears.»
If our most recent history has taught us anything, the weaker people will fight their wars with IEDs and RPGs and asymmetrical tactics.
It is at the heart of faith to care for the weakest people in our society.
I am not a weak person pretty outspoken, they used that against me.
Doing so would not lead us to treat animals like people but rather to treat the weakest people like animals, opening the door to such things as conducting medical experiments on the cognitively disabled, which has already been proposed in bioethics literature.
By your own words you are a weak person who believes you need a god (despite admitting you have no evidence for any god) when you would actually be better off getting medical help with your delusions and getting out of your cult.
One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables.
It seems to me that the person that can admit their fallibility, their imperfection, their very humanity, is not a weak person.
Weak people need religion.
Franklin is a weak person of God.
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