Sentences with phrase «weak places»

He'll find weak places in the fencing or dash out the front door while you sign for a package.
I gingerly pressed my fingers on the familiar weak place, and to my astonishment, there was no pain.
Nathan is someone who can recognize weak places in a game content pipeline and work with programmers to rapidly improve designer and artist iteration time for an entire studio.
The thoughts are weak when you're in a weak place.
Possible effect: Many a minister who could make it when a wife filled in the weak places in his ministry will have a much more difficult time without that assistance.
«If you had a weak place in your business, that came to light very quickly,» she notes.
The United Kingdom of England, Wales and Northern Ireland would have been a strange and weaker place.
He certainly needs to be aware that the party is psychologically in a weak place.
«It is clear from our findings that action is needed on a national and local level to address these variations and to ensure the weakest places learn from the best.
If you are an ESL student or grammar has always been your weak place, proofreading service is your solution.
They grow stronger in their weak places.
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