Sentences with phrase «weak science»

Last night Dana Carney, who is now an associate professor at Berkley's Haas School of Business, published what she really thinks about the power pose five years after she helped lead the study; she believes the whole concept is hogwash and is based on weak science.
I have run across some hostility to the climate scientists by other scientiests, on the grounds that the climate scientists are too «pushy» and are pushing weak science — I know one such person at NASA and another at the Dept. of Energy.
«The great climate science centres around the world are more than well aware how weak their science is.
«There's so much misinformation around low and no - kilojoule beverages that is based on weak science.
It is based on a weak science Framework that aims at replacing teaching science into developing science consumers.
I can only assume he had no ulterior motive in describing the captains of climate research admitting only in private how weak their science was.
As he says, «The great climate science centres around the world are more than well aware how weak their science is.
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