Sentences with phrase «weak skills»

To bolster kids with weak skills in these areas, learning specialists teach a mix of specific strategies and alternative learning styles that complement or enhance a child's particular abilities.
Conventional comprehensive high schools do not engage the interest and effort of many teenagers, especially those who enter with weak skills.
Once he's engaged, a teacher can challenge him to use a different, weaker skill set for another part of the lesson, helping him develop those parts of his brain.
It does nt make sense for a child to rely on weaker skills or abilities to achieve goals, when they naturally possess abilities that simply need to be further developed.
Teachers are supposed to discuss test results in after - school «data chats» and then review weak skills in class.
You will want to choose weak skills that ARE NOT essential for the job.
Those with good problem solving skills will general move up the corporate ladder quicker than those with weak skills.
Abysmal performance, in contrast, reflects weak skill and bad luck.
Use that information to identify what to learn or practice so that you master strengths and bolster weak skills.
«Despite having the highest levels of educational attainment of any previous American generation,» writes ETS's Center for Global Assessment Director Irwin S. Kirch in the report's preface, «these young adults on average demonstrate relatively weak skills in literacy, numeracy, and problem solving in technology rich environments compared to their international peers.»
There reports share with parents the strong skills and weak skills of their wards, thus giving a direction for guidance.
In 2009, teachers at the Urban Assembly Academy of Arts and Letters — a public school serving grades 6 — 8 in Brooklyn, New York, began the fact that the gap between children with strong literacy skills and those with weak skills widens year by year as curriculum becomes more demanding.
The big jump in test takers drew in many with weaker skill sets, driving down test scores significantly in those six new states.
Teachers are supposed to discuss test results in afterschool «data chats» and then review weak skills in class.
Community colleges are also equipped to provide English language training for immigrant and refugee students, so they are a good starting point for strong students with weak skills in spoken and written English.
In a weak skill position in the draft that is also one of the most valuable commodities in the league.
Which is why she's created coaching packages that empower singles to work on their weaker skills in a supportive environment.
When I started teaching, my weakest skill was making my lessons accessible.
Responsibility is learned when the weak skill is practiced, with coaching.
lack of personnel, lack of money, lack of time... students who have weak skills, teachers whose content and pedagogy need big shifts... administrators who are still learning what good common core instruction in their teachers should look like... you name it, this is a work in progress.
Despite their inappropriateness for struggling students, I've also hypothesized that student - centered approaches may — paradoxically — be more favored when students have fewer or weaker skills.
A couple of years ago I claimed that teaching methods typically considered «student - centered» together represent a «pedagogy of privilege `; such methods might be good — or at least good enough — for relatively strong students, but they often do not meet the needs of students with weaker skills.
The early attendance gaps, left unchecked, turn into achievement gaps reflected in weaker skills, lower test scores and, ultimately, lower graduation rates.
Now imagine a veteran teacher named Ronni, who has a weaker skill set and works contract - minimum hours.
The Student MyBook has practice questions based on the child's weak skills that parents can help their child practice at home.
Trainees also now need to pass literacy and numeracy tests before they are offered a place on a training programme, instead of at the end of the course, filtering out those with weaker skills.
It saps 7 ~ 11 MP of the target, and is related to the weaker skills Weird Dance and Weirder Dance.
Did you pick up some activities outside of work that help you develop your weaker skills?
The successful maintenance engineer will benefit from internal training & development opportunities as well as quarterly options to take up external courses to gain qualiifications in both their strongest and weaker skill set.
I think that a key reason for this is that raising capital is the weakest skill set for most real estate operators.
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