Sentences with phrase «weal as»

45:18), uses Cyrus, king of Persia, as a tool to effect God's goals (45:1, 13), generating weal as well as woe (45:7).

Not exact matches

The revolutionaries who claim for themselves the right to use violence but deny it to the state, who demand that the state act correctly, in the light of love, justice, and the common weal, are guilty of hypocrisy (such as Mr. Debray exhibited during his trial).
All the partes of this body being thus united are made soe contiguous in a speciall relacion as they must needes partake of each others strength and infirmity, joy, and sorrowe, weal and woe.
They concern life as a whole, in all its many aspects of weal and woe, chance and destiny, success and failure, triumph and tragedy, agony and glory, hope and despair.
Writer / director Hayden J Weal uses chronesthesia (aka mental time travel — the ability to think into the past and future) as a catalyst for romantic comedy in this low - budget feature.
Weal stars as a young Wellington barista whose routine is disrupted by mysterious messages, dreams and strangers, plus a flurry of odd coincidences.
Many of his clients were weal - thy progressives with the means to buy a car, and his designs can now be seen as artifacts of the automobile's arrival and integration into American society.
Meanwhile, as opposed to the public weal, the portion of the private sector concerned with this «debate» is exclusively focused on «Money, Power and Influence».
I doesn't matter how much temporizers argue that this is the effect of «noble cause» corruption, IT»S STILL CORRUPTION, undertaken deliberately and with malice aforethought, the effects including the diversion of research funds from legitimate purposes as well as support for public policies and private sector malinvestment, which do great material damage to particular parties and to the common weal.
Historically, Canada's political culture was a mix of «liberal» and «non-liberal» (partly «Tory» and partly «social - demoratic») ideas, which were bound together by a belief in Parliament and the legislatures as the arbiters of social conflict and makers of common rules for the common weal.
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