Sentences with phrase «wealthy class»

Members of wealthy classes were more fit; members of the working class were less fit.
But this could not be done with commercial properties, or you would create an incredibly wealthy class.
The tastes of this new, wealthy class became the most influential during Victorian times and the change in furniture styles accompanied this rapidly growing new world.
Critics often argue that the bulk of the new power in India goes to the upper middle class and growing wealthy class in the form of big shopping malls and air - conditioned houses and offices.
And for Greece's own wealthier classes, the EU loan package would enable the country to remain within the Eurozone long enough to permit them to move their money out of the country before the point arrived at which Greece would be forced to replace the euro with the drachma and devalue it.
It is amusing how it is considered a crime to condemn the greed of the ever richer wealthy class, but it is okay for churches to keep condemning the poor for their own condition of being exploited by the irch.
From the mid-19th century to the 1920s and beyond it always sought to cater to the new wealthy class, not the old aristocrats.»
Addressing how Europe's wealthy classes flaunted their power in the 18th and 19th centuries by using enslaved African men and women, dressing them up to look like servants or courtiers, glamourising and legitimising their plight, the full installation has previously been gifted to the International Slavery Museum.
Family loyalty has been the bedrock of wealthier classes for eons.
This monetarist philosophy has curtailed public enterprise throughout the world since 1980, in favor of privatization programs to sell off public enterprises and use the proceeds to cut taxes, mainly for the wealthier classes and the real estate and financial sectors.
I know that your personal faith acts as ones own personal moral and spiritual compass, however the president should through out his personal beliefs in exchange for the betterment of all americans citizens not the 2 % of the wealthy class or the corporations, but all americans
The affluence of the industrialized world, in which Bono is part of the wealthiest class, is a scandal to theological and moral understandings of global justice.
Mao Zedong banned the game in 1949, as it was one viewed representative of the nation's wealthy class.
Part of the reason is because the Senate Republican leadership allowed a vote for the bill in the first place, a move that blunted what would have been an expensive campaign from the LGBT community and its wealthy class of donors who would view a Democratic takeover of the chamber the only course for legalizing same - sex marriage.
These will certainly help you date a millionaire more easily by giving you tips and tricks that can work well for anyone looking to date a wealthier class of people.
In the popular adaptation The Hunger Games, the wealthy class keeps poor people in line by giving them a glimmer of hope in a do - or - die reality show.
She has been chronicling affluence for a quarter - century and takes the chance to ruminate on her work and how the wealthy class has changed in the last 25 years, with an emphasis on how people often emulate the rich without actually being able to afford their lifestyle.
For the reader, there's also the undeniable «Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous» attraction to many of these novels, especially when the wealthier classes get their comeuppance in one way or another.
These «comforter spaniels» became very popular with the wealthy classes, and served as foot and lap warmers as well as delightful companions.
We've recently conducted a study looking at household electricity use and transport across seven different income ranges and discovered that a relatively small, wealthy class (1 % of the population) is hidden by the 823 million poor of the country who keep overall per capita emissions below 2 tonnes of CO2 a year.
And by the time the persecutions subsided, the Quakers had become established members of the wealthy class.
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