Sentences with phrase «wealthy contributors»

Donors Trust allows wealthy contributors who want to donate millions to the most important causes on the right to do so anonymously, essentially scrubbing the identity of those underwriting conservative and libertarian organizations.
The carriage horse deal underlined the transactional side of a mayor who says he is on a mission to liberalize New York City, even as his efforts are propelled in part by wealthy contributors tied to special interests.
But after the committee rolled out a series of donor packages last week aimed at enticing wealthy contributors and corporations to open their checkbooks, a rough outline of the week has begun to emerge.
Wealthy contributors helping their favored candidates win elections would not systemically skew politics or policy outcomes if these well - heeled donors were like the rest of us, if on average they had the same life experiences, opinions about issues, and political views as average - earning citizens.
«We're never going to have millions of dollars raised from wealthy contributors who live around St. Mary's Park,» remarked Levine.
Meanwhile, Republicans are also pulling down the big bucks, but the evidence we have so far suggests that their 2017 giving is driven by wealthier contributors.
When men of God today say they're afraid of alienating their wealthy contributors, how do they differ from the men defiling the Temple Jesus overthrew that Passover week before He was crucified?
Got ta keep those wealthy contributors to the church happy you know.
Rather, the vast majority of New York State's 3 + million public school parents and 300,000 + educators are strongly against these know - nothing, draconian measures which kow - tow to the Governor's wealthy contributors — who send their kids to private schools — while casting out our kids.
Wealthy contributors can donate $ 60,800 to some state candidates — ten times more than what they can give to presidential candidates.
«The Democrats and Republicans do the bidding of the wealthy contributors.
«Cuomo wants tax cuts for his wealthy contributors, so he pushes gambling instead to raise needed state revenues.»
By donating to the advocacy group, which has funded television and radio ads in support of Cuomo, these wealthy contributors can bypass the $ 60,800 state limit on direct donations to candidates.
Separately, Halloran is also accused of steering $ 40,000 to $ 80,000 in discretionary member items to a company he thought was controlled by a wealthy contributor who in fact was an undercover agent.
Wealthy contributors can donate $ 60,800 to some state candidates — ten times more than what -LSB-...]
No one is spared in the tell - all, from voters, who are described as uninformed and easily fooled, to colleagues, who are called sellouts for catering to wealthy contributors and lobbyists.
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