Sentences with phrase «wealthy investors seeing»

Arguably the world's most popular cryptocurrency, bitcoin has attracted everyone from libertarian rebels, to wealthy investors seeing a potentially profitable asset in...

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Equity crowdfunding under the JOBS Act has been seen as a democratization of the startup and small - business investment process, and one which will put the ability of entrepreneurs to raise capital into the hands of «the crowd» and not just wealthy investors, banks and Wall Street brokers.
An investor who had led the Obama administration's task force to bolster the automobile industry in the wake of the great recession, Wilson was seen as an independently wealthy candidate who could also appeal to Democratic and independent voters.
Wealthy clients and investors who have a plan for how long they will carry the mortgage and can afford potentially higher payments, later on, are more likely to see the appeal of an ARM and more likely to benefit from its introductory rate.
Unfortunately, Baugruppen - type development is a non-starter in the US, where FTC regulations limits large scale real estate investment to accredited (see wealthy) real estate investors.
Recognizing that wind farms are not the source of reliable energy when actually needed (see chart) would allow politicians to quit wasting huge subsidies on crony capitalists and wealthy investors.
Robinhood's historical focus on younger, less wealthy investors who aren't «accredited» could make it especially vulnerable to crypto backlash if users see the space as too volatile or scammy for amateur investors to join.
Meanwhile, proponents retort there's a real need for freedom to invest outside the accredited system which sees the wealthy get wealthier and the door needs to close on the domination of Sand Hill Road in Silicon Valley and other VC and investors in the tech industry who have been making massive returns off the backs of entrepreneurs for far too long.
In his interview, Samani stated that earlier, wealthy investors who had already invested in Bitcoin were eagerly awaiting to see the results from the SegWit2X split.
Fleeing what they see as the impending taxation of their newfound fortunes, wealthy cryptocurrency investors are heading en masse to Puerto Rico, with their hearts set on building a crypto utopia.
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