Sentences with phrase «weapon against the global warming»

Since proposed in June 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency's plan has ignited endless debate — backers say it's an essential weapon against global warming, but critics say it's a costly «war on coal» — and prompted common misperceptions:
Yet it was at this location that the most lethal weapon against the global warming establishment was unleashed.
A RESEARCH paper from American academics is threatening to blow a hole in growing political support for carbon capture and storage as a weapon against global warming.
Community Climate Activism Be a Clean Air Advocate by defending our best existing weapon against global warming — the Clean Air Act — from crippling attacks in Congress (and visit our other Take - action Toolboxes).

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Pro-nuclear activists want lawmakers to treat the Clinton plant and other fission reactors as some of the most powerful weapons in the fight against global warming, a rationale that would give them a new lease on life.
So, how could it be possibly surprise anyone that superstitious fears about global warming would not be used as a political weapon against America by secular - socialists and the UN?
To the leftist global warming or climate change as they are calling it now, is a weapon to use against capitalism.
A scientist at the University of Edinburgh has devised a new weapon in the fight against global warming: a fleet of 1,500 unmanned sailing ships creating wakes that whiten clouds to reflect the heat of the Sun better.
Biochar, the charcoal - like material sometimes touted as a miracle cure for global warming, might first gain economic traction as a weapon against local air pollution, research by the U.S. Department of Agriculture indicates.
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