Sentences with phrase «to wear a collar»

The phrase "to wear a collar" means being under someone else's control or being submissive to someone's authority. It often describes someone who has a boss or is in a position of subordination. Full definition
Make sure your pet wears a collar with tags.
Cats often do not wear collars, and may not have any other form of ID.
Also, make sure your dog wears a collar with an ID tag or keep it near the door (with a leash) so they are easy to grab on the way out.
Be sure your pet wears a collar with an identification tag to help locate your lost pet and / or has a microchip identification.
Dogs should always wear their collars with ID tags, but this is even more important when traveling.
If we make sure our pet wears a collar for identification, why would we need to microchip?
Your dog should wear a collar at all times with current identification.
Your dog must still wear his collar, because all his identifying info is on the collar.
Overall, 87 percent of birds were protected when cats wore the collars.
Puppy - proof sharp edges of the crate to avoid injury in case of escape and NEVER crate your dog while wearing a collar or leash.
Whether or not dogs should wear collars around the house can be a heated topic.
It can be difficult to place the first collar on some cats, especially kittens or adults that have never worn a collar.
If your puppy is not used to a collar yet, he should start his dog training by wearing the collar in the house for a few days.
Remember that far more cats have died because they got lost and their owners could not find them than have ever been hurt from wearing a collar.
They will open only for your pet when wearing a collar key.
As you can see in these photos, all of the dogs were on leash and wore collars during the test.
One of the best ways a lost pet can find its way home is by wearing a collar with a current license tag.
Is your pup wearing a collar with tags and permanently identified with a microchip to maximize his chances of being returned to you if he becomes lost?
Just get your pup familiar and comfortable wearing a collar.
They will need to wear the collar on for an even longer period if this happens!
We often compare your pet wearing the collar outside to a child wearing a seat belt.
I always love wearing collar statement necklaces with this maxi dress so I decided to go with this pretty necklace.
You may creatively wear your collar dresses with a knitted top, sweater, turtleneck and such.
Can you also wear the collar crossed through the center loop?
If you simply install the invisible fence system and make your dog wear the collar without training him, the efficiency of the invisible fence will be significantly reduced.
Many rescued cats — particularly those that were nervous — will not tolerate wearing a collar and shouldn't be made to do so.
When looking at small dog collars for your puppy or dog, remember that he will be wearing this collar most of the time so a comfortable fit is very important.
He's now sitting by the * locked * window, watching the birds wearing his collar.
Who doesn't like to wear collar t - shirts.
This time was just too hot to wear the collar so I'll feature the dress again in the smaller size and with the attached collar in a fall season post.
If your dog isn't wearing a collar indoors, make sure the collar is kept by the door and easily accessible if you need to get out in a rush.
Many dogs and cats awaiting their fate wear collars, an indication of their former lives as pets.
We require that all dogs exiting our facility wear a collar and leash for the trip home.
Studies showed puppies that wore the collar showed improvement in learning and a reduction in fear and anxiety levels.
She attended the news conference wearing a collar with a large bow.
Great for dogs that have sensitive skin and need to wear the collar receiver for extended periods of time.
After wearing this collar for a month he is finally flea free (thank goodness).
This collar is an excellent product for those dogs who have not wear collar before.
Dogs / puppies are required to leave our shelter wearing a collar and leash.
We've all been there before... training our dogs can be a hassle, especially if your dog is uncomfortable wearing its collar.
On the day of your move, your pets should be wearing collars including up - to - date rabies tags and your new address and phone number.
Cats can easily and safely wear collars with identification, and a microchip is a good backup means of identification.
For years, I firmly believed dogs should always wear collars until one day when my dog's ID tag got caught between the wires of his crate.
It is important for kittens to get used to wearing a collar at a young age.
If your cat wears a collar and tags, most people will return him to you if they think he is lost.
Just make sure to limit his time in the waters while wearing the collar!
We recommend that all dogs wear a collar with a current identification tag.
We probably both agree that dogs should always wear their collars with a current ID tag, but wearing dog collars in certain situations can be hazardous.
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