Sentences with phrase «wearing rose colored glasses»

At this point in our relationship, I am not wearing any rose colored glasses when it comes to working together.
Not those wearing rose colored glasses, but people who believe in free speech.
The bad news this is also the time that many buyers begin to wear rose colored glasses and lose sight of why they are buying a house in the first place, says King.
I don't wear rose colored glasses... sorry... I see that love does not mean we are trouble free or such..
My glass is half full and I wear rose colored glasses.
Make no mistake however, the flaws that the critics have picked up on are indeed there and for all to see, but the thing about that is, you are either a fan and wear rose colored glasses, or not, and if so the flaws are all you are left with.
The bad news this is also the time that many buyers begin to wear rose colored glasses and lose sight of why they are buying a house in the first place, says King.

Not exact matches

Just because the Jacobses wear rose - colored glasses doesn't mean the landscape they see isn't rose - colored.
You don't need to wear rose - colored glasses all the time.
This doesn't mean that I wear rose - colored glasses or that I never let myself think about what isn't.
Rose - colored glasses and hearts worn on sleeves are always en vogue during this poetic season.
Why is he wearing rose - colored glasses?
Before you start timing, take off the rose - colored glasses, if you are wearing them.
These happy couples are not wearing blinders, but rather rose - colored glasses.
You are wearing rose - colored glasses.
«It's not about wearing rose - colored glasses, but finding ways to counter negativity.»
I think most homeowners are still wearing rose - colored glasses, which means a lot more education is needed.
This doesn't mean Ward is sitting around in the Arizona sunshine wearing rose - colored glasses.
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