Sentences with phrase «wearing the piece with»

Wear this piece with a casual V - neck tee for standout appeal.
We love this tank as an easy - wear piece with a bit of grunge.
Wearing this piece with a collared blouse, Olivia has created an original and authentic fall style!
Camila Coelho is wearing this piece with a super cute gingham mini skirt, creating a playful summer style which we would love to copy!
Mary wears this piece with black stilettos to complete this glamorous style.
I find the collection to be as you said, refined and elegant and yes, I too would be more than happy to wear every piece with my hair up the same way.
I wear these pieces with almost everything because they are so versatile and timeless!
I could see wearing this piece with some sheer black tights and a cute pair of velvet high heel Mary Janes!
I used to never wear gold jewelry but I've really liked mixing things up a bit and wearing pieces with my silver jewelry.
Oh, I am sure that I will be wearing these pieces with my dark green pumps sooner rather than later Changing out the shoes is my way of «mixing» things up — it totally counts, right?
The layered design lets you wear this piece with confidence.
I love wearing the piece with t - shirts as a way to dress up my look and add some shine.
I love wearing pieces with a past life and giving them another chance to shine, its this ethos that inspired the look I'm sharing with you today!
I loved that you showed examples of what you wore each piece with.
While you can wear each piece with your natural hair, we decided to have fun with some curls!
I wore the pieces with this black sweater and suede skirt yesterday in Vermont.

Not exact matches

An Olympic medal that has been worn or that an athlete let their kids play with, «We call that a burial piece,» Greensfelder said.
You're putting all of the pieces into place — the flight, the hotel room, what to wear on the beach, who to spend the time with — and suddenly that effort and goal - setting is what consumes you, not actually feeling happy.
It's doubtful Clooney's co-star Vera Farmiga walked away with the Hilton bathrobe she wears in one scene, but more than two - thirds of travellers admitted to helping themselves to a lot more than an extra piece of fruit from the breakfast buffet.
And, what's great about this piece is that it's relatively conservative, but with the scoop back, you can wear it on both shoulders or off - the - shoulder, and the length makes it feel more current.»
On April 2, World Autism Awareness Day, join in the effort to support those with autism by wearing or displaying a puzzle piece, symbolizing that through awareness, acceptance and inclusion, each person living with ASD can reach their full potential and enjoy a better quality of life.
Well, a couple years ago, I was given as a joke (at Princeton, I think) an extra-extra-large tee - shirt, one of those pieces of clothing only a linebacker could wear with comfort.
(I want to give credit to the Chicago Tribune's article on Larycia Hawkins» dismissal from Wheaton College, Wheaton College suspends Christian professor who wore a hijab, for providing me with the inspiration and an outline to write this satirical piece.)
One can readily imagine that in the days before Sanforization it was the height of housewifely folly to patch a garment that had been worn, wetted and shrunk with a piece of unshrunken cloth.
The piece of work shows Francis with a bright yellow halo and wearing a crucifix around his neck.
You may be interested to know, as is seen in the picture at the top of this post with the soldier resting next to the fire, that the helmet was not worn at all times like many of the other pieces.
He was falsely accused, arrested, slapped, spit on, had His beard pulled out of His face, sent to court where though no guilt was found was sentenced to be beaten to within an inch of HIs life, struck with rods, whipped with a weapon that had sharp bones and different pieces tore large chuncks of flesh off, drug back to court wearing a robe which when the blood dried to it became its own bit of torture, the first beating not good enough so sentenced to die, had a crown of thorns pressed down into his skull causing much more blood loss, beaten some more, forced to carry an extremely heavy wood beam as he marched toward His death, whipped and beaten along the way, had huge nails driven through His hands and feet, and had a shoulder separated.
My clothes are still packed in trash bags from the move, leaving me with the option to be «lazy» and only get dressed using the pieces of clothing sitting on the tops of each bag (I've worn the same three outfits for a month).
Everytime u say Oxie, I get a mental image of a man wearing a two piece with long silky hair.
There were folks who disagreed with me, but they didn't look at me as if I were wearing one - piece footie pajamas to a job interview.
Sitting on the sofa, I show him a few items: newspaper and magazine pieces about the Liston fights; Ali's conversion to Islam; the arrest for refusing military induction; the epic first battle with Frazier; the Supreme Court overturning the draft conviction; Foreman being voodooed by Ali; the Thrilla in Manila; the boxing lesson he gave Spinks in their second contest; a recent article about Ali buying buses for Chicago - area public schools (immediately after seeing a TV news story about how Dade County had no money for new buses, Ali sat down, wrote a check and mailed it, not using the gift as a tax deduction); and one about helping a young man wearing a hooded dark sweatshirt and jeans who crawled out on a high window ledge of a Wilshire Boulevard skyscraper in Los Angeles to kill himself.
Wear leather pieces with denim and whites for effortless fashion.
Whether you wear silver, gold, diamonds or platinum, each jewellery piece needs to be treated with care it deserves if you want it to stay in its best condition for years to come.
White is the most versatile color to work with for spring and summer, so rest assured you will get a lot of wear out of any white pieces you invest in.
Rather than wearing jewelry which you can find in almost every high street shop, choosing interesting, different pieces to pair with your plain outfits can add some intrigue and difference to anything that you wear.
If you are looking for a cozy fall outfit that is easy to dress up or down, here are some of my fall favorites that you can wear all together or mix and match with other pieces.
It's a simple piece of wood, really - a flat 1 inch thick board, with raised sides nailed in, though worn down from the years of use.
While it takes a truly brave woman to wear stripes head to toe, there's no reason to get crazy with this trend — one key piece with the print is all you need.
It's just one of those pieces that I wear with everything.
For example, if you want to get your teen daughter a memorable piece of jewelry as a keepsake to wear at graduation, go with a string of pearls or a pretty linked gold chain instead of a statement necklace.
You don't even have to think of what to wear in the morning, you know your outfit matches and each piece can be swapped out for another with ease.
Match this easy - to - wear one - piece dress with a pair of boat shoes (see above) and nautical jewelry, and you're ready to set sail.
One thing that helped my confidence with nursing in public, was investing in a couple of good pieces of nursing wear that exposed only what Bub needed and left the rest covered.
As if they ever really went out of style... Wear them with wide leg jeans and a blazer for a sophisticated everyday look or wear them with Menswear pieces for a preppy weekend lWear them with wide leg jeans and a blazer for a sophisticated everyday look or wear them with Menswear pieces for a preppy weekend lwear them with Menswear pieces for a preppy weekend look.
Many of the pieces can be worn with leggings, which is perfect for our lovely little ladies who also like to run and tumble.
It is nearly impossible to wrangle two squirmy two year olds in your arms and make it to the car with everyone in one piece — even when you are wearing another child.
Because Stylease baby wear is really one piece, it gives parents style with one - piece practicality.
Through its patented concept, Stylease brand one - piece infant wear offers parents a wide range of styles and looks associated with separates.
With a SPOC (simple piece of cloth), I can wear my kiddos on the front, back, or either hip with a few wraps and a kWith a SPOC (simple piece of cloth), I can wear my kiddos on the front, back, or either hip with a few wraps and a kwith a few wraps and a knot!
Do not put a whole shirt in the bed with your baby, but consider cutting a small piece of an old t - shirt that you've worn over and over again and placing it in the crib.
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