Sentences with phrase «weary sigh»

The phrase "weary sigh" refers to a tired or exhausted sound made when someone breathes out heavily. Full definition
Local man Dave Maguire elicited weary sighs from friends and co-workers today by making the same crack he always does when he sees that Nintendo are re-releasing another of their old games.
So it was with a slightly weary sigh that I downloaded their latest game, Kairobotica [$ 4.99], expecting another Pocket Harvest [$ 4.99]- level rehash and little more.
Some greet this with a weary sigh while others, like me, love...
Some greet this with a weary sigh while others, like me, love the drama of another historic moment in America's story.
In a seat where national issues exactly reflected the concerns of those on the doorstep, Foster breathed a weary sigh as the door closed.
Allegations of British embroilment in torture answered with little more than a world - weary sigh.
A mystical world of secret handshakes, weary sighs, and the thrill of a «proper» salary awaits you on the other side of your viva.
You'll breathe a weary sigh of relief when you finally reach what Spore's creators clearly cared about the most: the Space stage.
The late Philip Seymour Hoffman really stands out just by not standing out at all; as generous as ever, he murmurs political machinations in the background with a calculated grin before letting out a weary sigh.
The conclusion to Peter Jackson's «The Hobbit» trilogy is being marketed as «The Defining Chapter,» so why does it feel like less of a triumphant celebration than a weary sigh?
Lily regarded her old friend with a weary sigh.
Better yet, it's so slickly done that this rarely feels laborious; random encounters might occasionally draw a weary sigh — and if necessary, they can be turned off completely — but multiplying your attacks lets you slap down low - level enemies with a satisfying wallop.
If curators and biennials are increasingly met with a weary sigh in a western art world that remains insistent on privileging the white cube, they are playing a key role in enabling avant - garde artists to develop in Asia.
Ultimately, with the range of works on offer, one is perhaps reminded most of the wearied sigh of the great sage Solomon, recorded approximately 2500 years ago: «Of the making of many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body» (Ecclesiastes 12:12).
«Nothing very new here,» they say with a world - weary sigh.
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