Sentences with phrase «web geeks»

Check out this history of ever - increasing internet speeds and demand for connectivity, complete with some facts even dedicated web geeks might not know.
Hosted solution is a term that web geeks like me use to refer to a website that is hosted on someone else's servers.
This makes him a valuable of envoy or persona grata who traverses the digital divide which still too often cuts Web geeks off from the rest of the world.
Jill Whitaker is a Certified Running Coach, positive body image advocate, telecommuting web geek and a mom.
The infographic below, compiled by Gator Crossing, a Houston - based web hosting service provider founded in 2002, provides a history of the internet along with some facts even dedicated web geeks might not know.
I'm also a web geek with two decades» experience in web development.
Nicely built bridges there: from wine to social objects, from digitalization to (socio) web geeks.
Irrduino communicates via Ethernet and standard html requests and responses (specifically a REST interface with JSON responses, for you web geeks out there) which means I can control my sprinklers from anywhere on the planet with a web browser and an internet connection, or any smartphone with the same.»
Web geeks have hundreds of accounts to keep track of, while even the average person likely has tens of different passwords.
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