Sentences with phrase «web images»

• The NSA harvests millions of faces from web images for use in a previously undisclosed facial recognition database.
The tablet also features Screenshot, which quickly captures web images, articles, Google Maps and even smiling faces from video calls.
Bathers, is Henderson's newest group of hyper - real sociological oil paintings derived from found web images, focus...
The artist's interest in web images lies in the juxtaposition of wellness and nature against their online virtuality.
Having a vested web image and a hub for those roused by your book, you may then explore keywords starting with Google Adwords Keyword Tool.
These are all basically Web images, and they must be Web - compatible (72 dpi RGB).
Where before options were strung out across the top («web images blogs» etc), they're now arrayed at the left in bold colour:
It also features Screenshot, which quickly captures web images, articles, Google Maps and even smiling faces from video calls.
Web image of San Lorenzo club's website hide caption
Bathers, is Henderson's newest group of hyper - real sociological oil paintings derived from found web images, focusing on a particular cultural experience - in this case, the «summer retreat».
The colors are deeper than the web images would suggest.
Web images, as well as graphics in games, apps, and many magazines in the Newsstand, looked disappointingly fuzzy and overblown on the new iPad.
Web images aren't usually high - quality enough to translate to print.
It's about time that Amazon and Google fix this... Fortunately, the Web browser on the Kindle Fire does support full 24 - bit color for web images.
How then, do you generate a firm or lawyer's web image to stands out?
Designed logos, editorial art, business conceptual imagery, social media graphics, web images, collateral and product labels.
To utilize my knowledge and experience to maximize optimum results working on print and web images to be produced on all levels.
If not, it's time to tune up your Web image!
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