Sentences with phrase «web session»

Some students are shy about speaking at a live web session, so they can listen in the background or play the recording.
The tools are in place for tutoring that are commonly used in a live class web session.
However, in clicking on the link to the SCC decision there was an «error» message saying the download was too large and that I should consider viewing the case in a normal web session.
Among those categories, first quarter 2018 web sessions topped 3.7 million, a 27.7 percent increase year - over-year.
In the first half of 2016, attendance at live web sessions was up 52 percent and use of on - demand seminars, such as this session on how to prioritize savings goals, was up 62 percent.
Within each listing tutors include a link for the student to click on the web session:
* 185,000 unique visitors * 260,000 web sessions * 400,000 page views * many thousands of authors from all walks of publishing — newbies and Big - Five - published New York Times bestselling veterans alike — signing up for AuthorEarnings email alerts.
In this web session, we discussed the latest developments in the Large Employer and Minimum Essential Coverage reporting requirements.
You won't be able to create an account or log in to websites using your Facebook credentials as well because the plugin isolates your Facebook activity from the rest of your web session.
Chrome's Site Isolation feature is a brand new way to keep your web session more secure, but you'll need to enable it.
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