Sentences with phrase «web text»

in - depth guidance for helping students to compose web texts (such as blogs and wikis), presentations, audio, video, and social media
Read more about this in our article: Author Website Copy: Five Essential Tips For Writing Web Text.
I prefer a distraction free environment (my pda or iPod touch) and find the scrolling interface of web text annoying.
The antidote to this virulent hemorrhage of obfuscating web text may seem to be a gated social networking community, but I think the opposite is true.
Today's topics include Microsoft's acquisition of Cycle Computing to expand it high performance computing technology portfolio, Kolos» effort to build the world's largest data center in Norway; Docker's Enterprise Edition update with secure multi-tenacity support; and the debut of Google Allo web text messaging app on the Chrome browser.
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Author Website Copy: Five Essential Tips For Writing Web Text — Your website is going to require you to do some writing.
Mark Brooks: Russian dating companies need a native English speaker review their web text and press releases.
Students can look for the BrowseAloud logo to find websites that are speech - to - text enabled or download the Read & Write Google Chrome extension to translate all web text into spoken words.
a wealth of student - composed web texts for each digital media covered, along with links to them on the web
Hyperlink keywords in your Web text: Search engines crawl (scan) your site's pages for keywords to better index your site.
Public Relations: Our Communications Committee needs a dedicated leader with experience in writing news releases, web text, and collateral material, as well as in managing print and electronic communication projects.
The plaintiff's claims for aggravated damages were rejected, because Google did have legitimate legal issues to raise with the web text results that they wanted to advance.
The Playground is essentially a web text editor with a few features to make it easier to write DocAssemble code.
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