Sentences with phrase «week as an experiment»

But I encourage you to try this for a week as an experiment.

Not exact matches

One week before the successful flight of the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk, N.C., the New York Times had this to say about a rival plane builder: «We hope that Professor Langley will not put his substantial greatness as a scientist in further peril by continuing to waste his time, and the money involved, in further airship experiments.
-- Even though it's only a week and a half old, in this experiment, those who are deeply religious and claim to be «Good people of God» who should love all their fellow humans have removed the income from this man's life with complete disregard for the well - being of his family members as well.
Although I'm trying to avoid commenting too soon about the positions I highlighted last week, (as a retroactive response would sort of defeat the purpose of the experiment), I would like to address why I believe we may share more common ground than we might realize.
As an experiment I decided to move to a vegetable centered way of eating for 6 weeks, giving up meat, fish and all but a little dairy.
Experimenting with my cocktails came at the perfect time, as the past 6 weeks have been ridiculously stressful both at home and at work.
Sadly, any experimenting will have to wait a while though, as I'm currently nursing a fractured left elbow and banged - up right arm from a mountain biking spill two weeks ago, and any mixing, beating, kneading, rolling, piping and other lovely baking actions are currently off limits — but I can still drool over lemon layer cake recipes
Over the past few weeks I've been experimenting with all sorts of ways to use fresh kefir, you can flavor it with vanilla or almond extract, add it to your smoothies, use it as a base for your stove top oatmeal or as a creamy top on your granola.
I am hoping to make it again without the lemon but with some herbs instead so was hoping that the omission of the lemon won't alter the texture... Love the blog too — we've just found it as we embark on a sugar - free 8 week experiment!
I was going to experiment with grocery shopping and meal planning on the weekend and scheduling times to cook throughout the week, but as someone who works really well on momentum, I love this method!
I have been listening though, and thought it would be a good week to experiment with a (mostly) dairy free, and slightly lower calorie plan this week to see if it makes a difference for some of you as far as weight loss for the week goes.
For some items in particular such as cheese and yogurt you may want to give it a few more weeks before experimenting with substitutions — many people find that the longer it's been since they've had the «real thing», the easier it is for a vegan substitution to satisfy their craving.
Rauch isn't using Harris as part of any social experiment: he is a legitimate quarterback with a fine head and he started last week against the Jets.
If your children want to experiment with baking or desserts, try to keep one afternoon each week for doing so and think of it as an educational experience if you don't happen to enjoy baking for its own sake.
As battle over Britain consumed the Tory party in 2016 Anthony Barnett drafted a book about its significance for Europe and Britain as a week - by - week experimenAs battle over Britain consumed the Tory party in 2016 Anthony Barnett drafted a book about its significance for Europe and Britain as a week - by - week experimenas a week - by - week experiment.
Mayor de Blasio this week embraced a wait - and - see approach, saying the experiments with legalization in Colorado and Washington state should be watched closely as they could serve as a road map.
They also carried out controlled experiments with new bath toys, under conditions simulating household use: over a period of 11 weeks, some of the toys were exposed to clean and others to dirty bath water (including constituents such as soap, human body fluids and bacteria).
Last week, the BICEP2 experiment dropped a bombshell in the physics world by announcing potential evidence for gravitational waves from inflation as well as support for the quantization of gravity.
In eight weeks of experiments, the tenors tended to change their pitch to match the baritones as they tried to court a female.
Bd numbers present increased exponentially as the 20 - week experiment progressed until their populations tapered in response to the effects of the bacteria.
The week of my experiment was dominated by a major arrest in the war on terror: The New York Times and CNN both gave top billing to news of the arrest, and sure enough, the Technorati Breaking News list featured several prominent links to the story as well.
A centre which will attract scientists from around the globe, as they want to «ensure we have a facility so that a visitor from anywhere on the planet who wants to spend a week doing experiments is positively encouraged and funded,» he suggests.
Then Liu asks students to meet with her one - on - one for half an hour a week, as an experiment.
Dragon will spend the next four weeks attached to the Harmony node as the Expedition 41 trio unloads 4,885 pounds of (2,216 kg) crew supplies, hardware, experiments, computer gear and spacewalk equipment.
As the project's principal investigator, I designed the experiment that randomly assigned normal, healthy, intelligent college students to enact the roles of either guards or prisoners in a realistically simulated prison setting where they were to live and work for several weeks.
But, as became clear at a workshop last week at the lab, the affordable options for the first stage of the Long - Baseline Neutrino Experiment would severely limit its scientific potential and could leave it only marginally more capable than an existing Fermilab eExperiment would severely limit its scientific potential and could leave it only marginally more capable than an existing Fermilab experimentexperiment.
This new experiment induced carbon to fall 34 times as fast as natural rates for nearly two weeks — the highest such rate ever observed outside the laboratory.
But the notion of forward - looking career planning and intentional information gathering is foreign to many postdocs, who, as one audience member put it, will spend weeks designing an experiment and days tracking down a particular article, but no time at all mapping out a strategy for their own futures.
So Müller, his student Shau - Yu Lan, and colleagues devised a way to track it in an experiment that exploits Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, as they report online this week in Science.
Treating variation in the amount of time that states mandate schoolchildren spend in PE as natural experiments, the researchers found that an additional 60 minutes per week of PE time (enough to bring states without an explicit requirement up to the amount of PE recommended by the CDC) reduces the probability that a fifth - grader is obese by 4.8 percentage points.
BETHESDA, MARYLAND — Fuzzy definitions, deep disagreement about risks and benefits, and an unfortunate acronym: All bedeviled an expert panel as it met here last week to examine whether the United States should fund certain risky pathogen experiments.
The experiment will include an intervention component, as well: For half of each study week, participants will wear high - quality, particle - filtering face masks that greatly reduce air pollution exposure.
A few weeks later, we set up the experiment as before, and it happened again.
Dr. Ganz was active in academic outreach throughout her time at Cornell, mentoring undergraduate students, co-teaching a weekly computer science course to a local high school chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Jr., as well as a five - week mini-course on experiments in chemistry and biology to local elementary school students.
Follow along as she continues to share what she's cooking this week, experiments with ingredients, and finds her way in the kitchen.
We enjoy Matcha as a treat about once a week, and I've also enjoyed experimenting with adding it to foods for color.
So here's a Pisces new moon idea: Try this as an experiment for two weeks — leading up to the Libra full moon on March 23 — and see how your experience of life shifts.
«I generally treat my life as six - month projects and two - week experiments of various types.
I abandoned the Ideal Protein diet about a week and a half ago as part of a controlled experiment.
Ok, I decided to do something crazy recently... For the last six weeks, I used myself as a guinea pig and completed an overeating experiment.
As I mentioned, at the time of this writing, I am personally conducting a The Great Ketogenic Ironman Experiment, in which I'm implementing a 100 % ketogenic diet during a 12 week build - up to Ironman Canada.
I forgot to mention that the week of my urine test, I experimented with Epsom Salts as a way to get more magnesium.
I have confirmed by experimenting that by taking BCAAs in the AM as well as before workouts I avoid almost all soreness; it's amazing and lets me get an extra day of sets in each week.
I've experimented with this aspect of the equation a great deal over the years as well, and all roads lead back to Martin's advice: High Intensity / Low Volume — 3 days a week — 1 day rest between sessions.
As an experiment, I tried tracking my food intake of magnesium for two weeks.
(As a side note, last week we went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant and I ran a little experiment.
As I detailed in Season 2, an experiment in which subjects consumed a caloric surplus of 800 calories (3,360 kJ) for eight weeks gained an average of just 1.7 kg, and it was fat - free mass (the good stuff like muscle, skin and water).
So I've experimented with various schemes, including training the same movement as often as 12 times per week!
You can see the full list of Experiment Topics below, along with links to all the Experiment posts so far, and as the Experiments develop and take shape, there will also be opportunities for you to get involved in Experiments (like the #WednesdayDatingClub which kicks off this week!).
Earlier in this piece, I mentioned that I'd be writing more about a show in my Best TV of 2017 piece next week, and you can be SURE to read more about David Lynch's grand experiment in that piece as well.
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