Sentences with phrase «week timeframe»

The phrase "week timeframe" means a specific period of time that lasts for one week. Full definition
Overall, this three - week timeframe went pretty smoothly, though there was some drama the last few days due to a city employee (who needed to sign - off on something) being on vacation.
In setting out a two - week timeframe for sunsetting the app without consulting with regulators first, the two companies were aggressive and naive at best, or, at worst, recklessly determined to push their deal through without concern for the regulatory bodies whose approval they needed.
The club have reportedly offered to refund the # 118.20 processing fee for the Russian visa as a gesture of goodwill given the three - week timeframe between the draw and the tie.
The Spring sale has just ended, but the participant games are still high in the charts thanks to the two - weeks timeframe of reference; also, Noodle keeps on slithering up in the charts and Outlast 2 makes its debut in the American ranking.
Completed the models in one week timeframe in order to allow our client to meet a strict acquisition deadline
Shannon I was going to join in on this (my still) but I have so many project I can't figure out which one would have the liklihood of maybe getting done in the 2 weeks timeframe!!
The Mini Greedometer gauge is used in conjunction with the Greedometer to estimate likely secular and interim U.S. stock market tops and bottoms to within a 2 - week timeframe.
Some twins, even if they're born at the average 36 - or 37 - week timeframe, are small at birth and may need preemie - sized clothing for a few weeks or months, until they grow and catch up.
I usually go 20 to 30 minutes... Does milk increase on a week timeframe or my milk supply is likely to run around this volume?
Within the two week timeframe, you should receive a certain percentage of positive responses.
With the high efficacy and dedication of Yates and his crew, Mitchum managed to shoot every single one of his designated scenes within the three weeks timeframe.
Since I have been ruining my chance at a literary career by not writing my own things for about a decade — to illustrate this specifically, I did not finish a book while a Canadian literary giant who was championing it was still alive — I thought a two week timeframe was about right so that I didn't collapse in a pile of goo.
This is 21 hours in a two week timeframe.
For other partners, that two - week timeframe is often scary accurate.
All this, should not be too much work for the bigger watch face developers out there, although the smaller guys might find the eight - week timeframe a little more pressing.
I am concerned that only a six - week timeframe was allocated for the consultation.
Meridian was able to vividly illustrate the sponsor's vision for the property to the lender in a compelling way that allowed the loan to close in a one - week timeframe,» said Mr. Appel.
Underwrote 110 loans across all asset classes for a ± $ 1.5 billion securitization in three week timeframe
Participants are supposed to transform one space in their homes in a 6 - week timeframe.
You're spot on with needing to have everything (long) ordered to keep up with the 6 - week timeframe.
I hope to be able to really change the look and feel of this space and still keep within my $ 100 budget and my 4 week timeframe.
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