Sentences with phrase «weekly cheat day»

For at least one or two meals on your weekly cheat day, deliberately increase your intake of (high glycemic index) carbs and fats as well as calories.
In addition to being a helpful psychological break, this is the purpose of your weekly cheat day.
For most people, having one or two meals on a weekly cheat day can be very helpful.
Unfortunately, some people find that a weekly cheat day creates strong carb cravings, which may continue for five or six days after the cheat day has ended and sometimes until the next cheat day begins.
For most people a weekly cheat day can help fat reduction.
If you are diabetic, consult in advance with your own physician before installing a weekly cheat day, because insulin and leptin levels rise and fall together a cheat meal will also temporarily raise your insulin level.
Because fats are satisfying and because you'll have a weekly cheat day, such a diet is relatively easy to sustain.
All it takes to continue fat burning is one or two cheat meals on a weekly cheat day.
One weekly cheat day is sufficient.
So, except on your weekly cheat day, we recommend not eating foods that are nothing like what your successful ancestors from 20,000 years ago could have eaten.
The Core Phase is the main phase of the Cheat Your Way Thin lifestyle, in which we will begin implementing strategic weekly Cheat Days.
Starting off more primal w weekly cheat days.

Not exact matches

To switch your body from sugar burning to fat burning, keep your carbohydrates low except on your weekly «cheat day
To avoid the starvation response, all that is necessary is one cheat day weekly.
If in 6 of those days i eat less than the 1200cal mark does that mean 1 day a week i can have a cheat day so long as it does nt go over my weekly allowance and still lose weight?
I've started taking cheat meals recently which works for me and later i was told to do a cheat day but that wasn't a good idea to do that on weekly basis.
cheat days are no longer weekly and NEVER ever w wheat!
However, unless your physician objects, you may have one cheat day weekly.
Thanks to a certain hurricane that shall remain nameless, your weekly Movie News Cheat Sheet comes a day late, but gives you all of the movie discussion topics necessary to help you ride out the rest of the work week with ease.
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