Sentences with phrase «weekly home visits from»

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In every church, a sustained program of personal visiting — especially by laypeople — is an important need of the aged, Clergy, of course, can not be expected to do all things, Serving communion to the elderly in their homes once a month is reasonable to expect from a minister: a weekly contact is not.
During the summer, when I get home from my weekly visit to the farmers» market, it always seems like I have purchased too many heirloom tomatoes.
Prenatal visits are in my home office on a flexible schedule and are typically monthly through the second trimester, bi-weekly from 26 - 36 weeks, then weekly until birth, including one visit at your home in the last trimester.
Intervention: combination of home visit by breastfeeding consultant within 5 days of hospital discharge (duration 2 h) and weekly telephone calls by the consultant for 1 month, then monthly from 2 - 6 months
Intervention: breastfeeding support from the researcher, a community midwife, consisting of daily visits in hospital, telephone call within 72 h of discharge and weekly through the fourth week postpartum, and at least 1 home visit (in the first week), with further home visits as required.
A bi-weekly or even weekly visit from a home visitor isn't enough to address deeper problems, like depression, neighborhood safety and the stress of juggling work and childrearing, and trying to make ends meet for a family on poverty wages.
Responsible for conducting weekly home visits and working closely with bio-family and resource family (substitute caregivers), as well as conducting Therapeutic Family Time (supervised visits) and transportation to and from visits.
Intervention: Selected health visitors were trained in the Family Partnership Model to provide a weekly home visiting service from 6 months antenatally to 12 months postnatally.
As part of programme delivery, parents receive weekly telephone calls to encourage them to practice the skills at home and also, where possible, parents who miss a session receive visits from a facilitator to deliver the session on an one - to - one basis.
The following are average contact times for different program components - Parenting Class: 4 sessions per month, 2 hours per session (8 hours per month)- Case Management: Twice per month, 1 hour per meeting - Job Club: Weekly, 2 hour for participants seeking employment, individual meetings based on need - Child Support: 1 hour orientation for all, individual meetings (45 minutes) based on need - GED: depends on need, ranges from 4 - 15 hours per week - Interactive Skill - Building Parenting Class (early childhood development focus): 4 sessions per month, 2 hours per session - Home Visiting (early childhood, school readiness focus): 2 hours per months, from 6 - 12 months - and Family Law: 1 hour orientation for all, individual meetings, consultations, up to and including full representation (much more time intensive) based on need.
Annually, Child Crisis Arizona's Early Education Services program also provides 36 pregnant women and their families weekly home - based visits from a Family Support Specialist that promote parenting skills and healthy child development and connect families with other needed community services and resources.
Intervention Volunteers were recruited from the community and trained to implement a parenting curriculum during weekly home visits.
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