Sentences with phrase «weekly volume»

The more different kinds of strength you want to train the less should be total weekly volume per one type of strength.
People will hear that more frequency is better and suddenly increase training frequency, completely forgetting about total weekly volume.
For a miner, mining low - liquidity coins would be very risky as they would mine the daily, or even weekly volume of these coins in a very short amount of time.
In Venezuela for example, where the parliament unsuccessfully tried to impeach the populist president Nicolas Maduro, weekly volume on LocalBitcoin reached 7.6 million Bolivars or $ 761,000.
If we translate that into weekly volume, it's about 80 to 130 reps.. This likely depends on your volume tolerance and your experience level.
During last week, trade in the Romanian Leu (ROL) fell roughly $ 2,500 ROL shy of testing its prior weekly volume record of approximately $ 1,425,000 ROL — that was established during the week of the 9th of December.
If you take weekly volume into account, you will experience way less plateaus.
Bithumb has played a big part in shooting up the average weekly volume of the last 7 days from $ 200,000 to a whopping $ 900,000 on August 27, 2017 helping Litecoin cross $ 3 billion in market cap for the first time.
Thailand also broke its previous P2P weekly volume record by 25 percent during the same week, establishing a new all - time high of approximately 29.5 million baht.
At that rate, the weekly volume is on track for its lowest level since the week of last Christmas.
According to, the weekly volume of bitcoin exchange in China remains extremely high.
The weekly volume pattern leading up to the breakout above resistance was bullish, with two strong weeks of accumulation (higher volume gains) in early January.
Split routines which include multiple exercises for one or two specific muscle groups allow you to maintain the desired total weekly volume, while enabling greater activation of the targeted muscle groups and better recovery between two sessions.
People forget that you're training 3 times per week, and what matters is total weekly volume.
If you were doing a low - weight, high - volume type of program, you'd want your weekly volume for each major muscle group to be closer to 180.
You could take things a step further and add 1 set to each workout, thus increasing your total weekly volume to 8 sets per week.
Another element of your back workouts that you have to get right is weekly volume (the total amount of reps you do each week).
If you were using much lighter weights, though, you'd want your weekly volume for each major muscle group to approach the top end of about 180 reps.
The main benefit from the latter model is that 4 days of the week are dedicated to «ultra recovery» with less than 10 % of the weekly volume on each of those days.
If you add two reps in every pushing exercise throughout the week (let us assume that you train four exercises of this category per week), then it is an increase of 8 reps in total weekly volume.
Increasing the weekly volume of movements you know are likely to appear in the Open (handstand push - ups, chest - to - bar pull - ups, thrusters, double - unders)
And you'll want to do a high total weekly volume (around 30 — 50 sets), but a fairly moderate individual workout volume.
Due to the drop in training frequency from twice per week to once per week, he's automatically reduced his weekly volume by 50 % — from 20 total sets per muscle group, per week to 10 total sets per week — allowing the body to recover and grow.
When you increase frequency you still need to ensure that your weekly volume lies inside the recommendations I gave earlier.
Meaning: regardless how many times per week you choose to train; 3x, 4x, 5x — your weekly volume should still fall within the 12 - 24 sets per muscle group range, distributed over the number of training sessions you've decided on.
You could try to do all your weekly volume for each body part in one workout [like chest on Monday, back on Tuesday etc], but that would require a lot of time, energy, and a decrease in performance in the latter part of your training session as you begin to fatigue.
There's an interesting study by McLester that compared training 1x per week versus 3x times per week — interesting because the weekly volume was equated between both groups.
Let's assume our hypothetical trainee is lifting 4 x per week, with a weekly volume of 20 sets per muscle group, per week, and hitting every body part twice per week.
This would mean, for example, breaking a weekly volume of 150 miles into 3 15 - 20 mile rides and 2 40 - 50 mile rides, versus one long slow distance ride and a handful of shorter ones.
How frequently you train a muscle group is less important than total weekly volume (number of sets) and intensity (loads lifted in terms of % of 1RM).
The shift to physical peer - to - peer transactions is also evident in the weekly volume of P2P trade platform LocalBitcoins.
On Localbitcoins, weekly volumes have been rising steadily over the years, and recently saw a spike of over $ 2.5 million AUD worth of bitcoin.
The official rhetoric gradually softened after the Bank of Russia launched its own blockchain project, whereas the weekly volume of local bitcoin trade exceeded 250 mln rubles (about $ 4 mln) in September.
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