Sentences with phrase «weeks after treatment ended»

The pooled results showed that group psychotherapy was more effective than no treatment after the treatment period (15 studies) and at a mean 19.1 weeks after treatment ended (10 studies)(table ⇓).
The Penn researchers surveyed the subjects sixteen weeks after treatment ended, and found that the electroacupuncture and sham electroacupuncture groups had enjoyed a sustained — and even slightly increased — abatement of hot flashes.

Not exact matches

However, individuals considering this cream should note that many users ceased use after two weeks, effectively ending the treatment period.
Twelve weeks after drug treatment had ended, the researchers did not detect hepatitis C virus in the patients» blood.
It would be very easy for a team physician to let therapeutic genes continue working for a few hours, days, or weeks after an officially sanctioned treatment ends.
In a study out this week in mSphere, they report that breastfeeding babies who received a three - week course of a probiotic that consumes human milk still had colonies of those beneficial gut microbes 30 days after the end of probiotic treatment.
Almost all patients get sick with flulike symptoms, including high fever and pain, a week or so after the treatment; some end up in intensive care.
Cancer returned in 26 of the 430 patients with undetectable MRD when treatment ended after 120 weeks.
At the start of the treatment, they were given a basal test, then a post-basal test 4 weeks after the treatment, and then 8 weeks after the treatment, at the end of the study, another post-basal test.
The first fertility treatment cycle on it (after many ending in loss) I conceived my daughter and carried her to full term (one other difference - I also took HGH injections prescribed by my physician for about a week prior to and during ovulation to improve egg quality and reduce miscarriage rate).
... I went to a [local] hospital first and then after a week I got more ill and went to the hospital on the Burundi base (AMISOM), but didn't get treatment... I went to NGO service provider at the end of Ramadan a month later so it was too late for [preventative medical treatment].
Hair generally begins to grow back within a few weeks to a month after treatment ends.
For most injuries, it is impossible to know fully what any of these elements will be until weeks or months after the accident, when treatment has ended and the injuries have healed.
One evaluation conducted in Queensland, Australia, reported moderate reductions in depressive symptoms for mothers in the intervention group at the six - week follow - up.89 A subsequent follow - up, however, suggested that these benefits were not long lasting, as the depression effects had diminished by one year.90 Similarly, Healthy Families San Diego identified reductions in depression symptoms among program mothers during the first two years, but these effects, too, had diminished by year three.91 In Healthy Families New York, mothers at one site (that was supervised by a clinical psychologist) had lower rates of depression at one year (23 percent treatment vs. 38 percent controls).92 The Infant Health and Development program also demonstrated decreases in depressive symptoms after one year of home visiting, as well as at the conclusion of the program at three years.93 Among Early Head Start families, maternal depressive symptoms remained stable for the program group during the study and immediately after it ended, but decreased just before their children entered kindergarten.94 No program effects were found for maternal depression in the Nurse - Family Partnership, Hawaii Healthy Start, Healthy Families Alaska, or Early Start programs.
Families were randomized to therapists who received a 10 - week training course prior to intervention and designated at the end of the study by therapy outcome: 1) terminated after 1 session, 2) terminated after several sessions with no resolution of problems, 3) competed treatment but still had some problems, or 4) completed treatment, with no remaining problems.
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