Sentences with phrase «weight in a shorter period of time»

My professional opinion: to add 5 kg to your weight in a short period of time (about a month) without any reason means a trip to the doctor just to be sure everything is ok.
I want to continue with my fitness and inspire those brides to be / everyone that losing weight in a short period of time (and keeping it off) is easy and can be done.
If you were to replace two meals a day, you would lose even more weight in a shorter period of time.
I've done crash diets where I lost a lot of weight in a short period of time, but it ALWAYS came back.
If your cat has lost a lot of weight in a short period of time, it is necessary to have him examined by your veterinarian as soon as you can, before you change his diet.
The focus here is on teens who gain a large, unhealthy amount of weight in a short period of time (often the result of eating junk food in combination with hormone shifts).

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Binge drinking, drinking lots of alcohol in a short period of time or drinking to get drunk, can lead to falls, mood problems, memory disorders, mental health issues, dreadful hangovers and unnecessary weight gain.
Our bodies are control freaks, so if something dramatically changes in a short period of time, for example, your calorie intake, then your body will fight to maintain balance to prevent drastic weight loss.
Even though they were still eating roughly the same amount of calories, the participants lost weight — an average of nearly two pounds in that short period of time.
That said, diets with 60 kcal % fat are commonly used to induce obesity in rodents since animals tend to gain more weight more quickly (6, 7) thereby allowing researchers to screen their compounds after a shorter period of time.
After that, you are going to get very strong in a relatively short period of time, however to accomplish that you will need to use weights that are close to your maximum, with singles, doubles or even triples.
Sine then, she had changed her career, became a celebrity trainer and a certified nutrition expert, and managed to lose a lot of weight in a very short period of time.
When you're desperate to lose weight, skipping as many meals as you can might seem like the perfect strategy to meet your goals in a short period of time.
But the truth is, the stronger you get, the bigger muscles you have, so throw some more weight on the barbells and try this awesome training plan that will dramatically increase your strength in a short period of time.
This is a HIIT weights based workout, which is sure to burn lots of calories in a short period of time.
One of the reasons that low carb dieting has worked for me is that i can eat plenty.There is no way that i could have lost so much weight in such a short period of time at 100k calories per day.That's about 1 lb in 36 days.Give me a break.I probably average 2,500 - 4,000 low carb calories daily.More ketones don't help a person burn significantly more calories but they don't have to.
Fad diets usually have these qualities: They restrict or even eliminate certain foods or food groups, make dubious claims and promise significant weight loss in a short period of time.
Excessive weight loss during a short period of time can also cause the loss of skin elasticity, resulting in sagging skin.
Oprah Winfrey's favorite doctor showed some «before - and - after» photos of Raspberry Ketone users who have sworn that adding the supplement to a current weight loss program can help those who want to lose weight in a safe and healthy manner yet in a much shorter period of time.
Overall, this is a very common sense, practical approach to losing weight in a relatively short period of time.
HIT causes fat loss by burning lots of calories in a very short period of time, but it too much HIT makes the metabolism brittle and less resistant to stress, which can lead to long - term weight gain.
Looking back I would have done things differently (so many calories and so much sugar / carbs), but after 6 years of exercising without putting on any weight, it was great to see so much progress in such a short period of time.
You are going to find that X-Size weight training software is going to offer you specialized training and workout regimens, in order to build the body in the best manner possible, in the shortest period of time, and is going to allow you to continually change your goals, and challenge your body, in order to get the ultimate results that you are trying to reach.
Circuit Training is a convenient way to exercise because it maximizes the total exercise volume (number of sets, repetitions, and amount of weight) completed in a short period of time.
It doesn't always have to be an increase in weight, it can be more reps, getting the same amount of work done in a shorter time period by applying more force to each rep, or increase the length of time your muscles are working and being strained.
You may have heard about how an easy keto meal plan helps one lose weight quickly in a short period of time.
So, you are going to be able to do your choice of workout as far as the exercise you will be doing, the weight lifting, and the cardio you will be doing, in order to shed the fat and build up muscle, all in a much shorter time period than you would expect, and it is going to get you the best results.
This poses the need for our shorter term glycolytic adaptations, these adaptations are going to help us buffer fatigue and recover in between each set more quickly — therefore allowing us to keep the weight on the bar for longer periods of time before having to drop.
The current data, however, would suggest that these diets are safe within this relatively short period of time (2 mo), as assessed by the reported clinical biochemistry, and that, under medically supervised conditions, they could be used to achieve considerable weight loss to improve mortality and morbidity in obese patients.
Significant weight loss in a relatively short period of time is a key sign that may indicate cancer in cats.
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