Sentences with phrase «weight loss fad»

Unfortunately, many of the popular weight loss fads are filled with misinformation about health, weight loss and wellness.
Master Cleanse Diet is a juice fast weight loss fad that is intended for short term use.
Being able to state that you lost exactly 10.5 pounds of fat and gained 2.5 pounds of lean mass in a given time frame might be great for supplement ads or to promote the latest weight loss fad, but numbers that precise aren't realistic without expensive, laboratory - grade equipment, or at least a very skilled professional.
There are a million and one weight loss fads, scams, and trends out there that claim they will magically make you lose weight without any effort on your part.
People really need to know that there's more to this than just a weight loss fad.
The Lemonade Diet is a weight loss fad diet that claims it can detoxify and cleanse the body.
There are a million and one weight loss fads, scams, and trends out there that claim they will magically make you lose weight without any effort on your part.
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